View Full Version : Lens adhesive

Barry Clark
01-12-2011, 10:55 AM
Hey folks, I just picked up a used lens mount with a cracked lens.. I have a new lens coming shortly.

My question. After last months fiasco where I trashed a lens on my 2" focus and spent $14.00 for four minute drops of adhesive.... Is there a suitable substitute for the 403 locktite? I know given the $10.00 I spent for the mount I shouldn't be cheaping out here But $14.00 Seems a little pricey for such a small amount..


andrew zen
01-12-2011, 1:17 PM
I used JB Weld, temperature resistant and and a little thicker than other epoxies. 3 small dabs will do ya. To remove lens and epoxy, just chip off the epoxy off the holder with a jewelers screwdriver, smooth with emery cloth. JB Weld can also be used for a lot of other things and purchased anywhere, but the best place is any auto parts store. It's a two part epoxy so you have to mix it.

Jay Steel
01-20-2011, 1:22 PM
Maybe I'm late, but yeah, $14.00 is way to much to pay when you can go here - http://www.rshughes.com/products/079340_40304.html - and get it for $5.66.

Dan Hintz
01-20-2011, 1:26 PM
A non-acetic acid based caulk would work well, too... tiny little dabs, don't goop it on.