View Full Version : full contact turning...

Russell Eaton
01-12-2011, 7:56 AM
As you can tell by my recent post I have gotten some QUALITY shop time. I cut a dead red oak up on Sunday only to find it was spalting(hope that is spelled right). I was cutting firewood for the storm that was coming when I saw the color in the wood. I put a piece on top of another and cut a bowl blank. After reading the poll about face shields I have been more aware of wearing mine. I always wear safety glasses. I was turning the bowl blank when one whole side came flying off. It was turning at 5oo rpm range and the break hit the floor joist for the upstairs so hard the wife ran down stairs to make sure I was ok. I told her that was more like dodge ball than wood turning, and took the piece off the lathe. I cut the blank back down and went back for a second try. To make a long story shorter it is now in the brown bag with sawdust drying. I will post a picture when I finish the bowl. SAFETY FIRST :cool:;) Russell

Carol Kinney
01-12-2011, 8:03 AM
Good reactions Russell - it only takes once to change your life. You are a lucky man, oh BTW did you ever get your fire wood cut up LOL?

bob svoboda
01-12-2011, 8:58 AM
Glad you weren't hurt. Safety always needs to come first.

Reed Gray
01-12-2011, 11:37 AM
Learning to stand out of the line of fire is just as important as wearing protection. Most of the time, after some experience, you can learn to spot weakness in the wood (cracks and bark inclusions). Also an important skill to hone.

robo hippy

Michael James
01-12-2011, 12:18 PM
Russell, if there wasn't an element of "excitement", many of us adrenaline junkies would be off skydiving or bungee jumping! Be alert and proactive!

Jon McElwain
01-12-2011, 12:54 PM
I have never had really large pieces come off a turning, but I am thankful for the stories that remind me that it does in fact happen. I think of them often when turning off balance, cracked, spalted, punky, or otherwise unstable wood. Glad you got a "free" lesson to share with us - injury free that is!

Baxter Smith
01-12-2011, 1:02 PM
Thanks for the reminder!

Bernie Weishapl
01-12-2011, 1:26 PM
Glad you were ok and wearing it. I had a small 7" bowl fly off and hit me dead center of the face shield. Was doing the famous last shearing cut on the outside. Thankfully the shield was on and just bruises.

Harry Robinette
01-12-2011, 9:34 PM
Been there do that:Glad your not hurt, I was hit 5 years ago with 1/2 a 10" bowl and it cut and bruised me pretty good GLAD your's missed.