View Full Version : Wood Supplies

Jim Heikes
01-12-2011, 5:50 AM
Here in my neck of the woods, wood turning suppliers are few and far between so I do the bulk of my shopping on the internet. Could I get some suggestions for bowl turning supplies (green wood) via the internet.

Clint Baxter
01-12-2011, 6:10 AM
I've ordered wood from Gilmer Wood, located in Portland, OR and from West Penn Hardwoods, located in Olean, NY. Received good service and good material both. Found them both on the Internet. West Penn usually list some turners bundles where you can get multiple pieces of turning stock at a good price with free shipping. They're the only ones I've dealt with so far, but I've seen many others listed on here that you could probably find by doing a search on the thread.


John Keeton
01-12-2011, 7:20 AM
Jim, give Mike Smith (http://www.easternncwoodworkers.com/)a call. He stocks a huge amount of domestic wood - most of it in varied states of dryness. He will have some beautiful Ambrosia maple, and a host of other woods. His prices are very reasonable - and, he is great to deal with. To make it even better, he gladly sponsored our Fall Turning Contest.

I would not want to reveal the amount of money I have spent with him!!:o Just got a couple of boxes in a few days ago - some Claro walnut(to add to my evergrowing stash!), sourwood, maple, and some gorgeous redwood.

And, I would be remiss if I did not include Jeff Nicol, as well. I have purchased a bunch of wood from Jeff over the past year, and all of it has been well priced. Besides that, Jeff was a contest sponsor, and is an all round great guy, too!

Carol Kinney
01-12-2011, 8:25 AM
I've purchased a lot of wood from EBay (believe it or not) and have had great luck with the vendors. Most of this wood has been the more exotic wood that is hard to get locally for me - but the shipping is normally equal to the cost of the wood.

I've been looking at Mike Smith as John has pointed out - he has some really nice items and his prices are very attractive - I will definitely give them a try.

Bill Edwards(2)
01-12-2011, 9:42 AM
In another post, someone listed this place, about an hour and a half from you.


(Ok... almost 2 hours..... I'm too use to the wilds of Indiana)

Dennis Ford
01-12-2011, 9:52 AM
I have purchased burls and exotics on ebay but lots of green wood is available for free. Listen for the sound of chainsaws and offer a bowl for some wood and you will get plenty of wood. This does mean that you need a chainsaw or band saw to trim the pieces and it helps if you have a fireplace or wood stove to use scraps. Some wood is better than others but it all can be turned, you will soon be able to choose those that you like.

Jim Heikes
01-12-2011, 9:57 AM

Thanks.....I was aware of these dudes but their prices are somewhat out-of-sight. They have beautiful wood though.


Jim Heikes
01-12-2011, 10:01 AM
Thanks John................I'll contact both of these gentlemen. I appreciate pointing me in their direction........Jim

Bernie Weishapl
01-12-2011, 10:18 AM
I buy from Mike Smith that John talked about.

Ray Bell
01-12-2011, 10:21 AM
I have to second John's suggestions. I have purchased from both Mike Smith, and Jeff Nicol. Both are easy to deal with, wonderful wood, at very reasonable prices.

Bruce Pratt
01-12-2011, 10:39 AM
Check http://www.woodfinder.com/

Bruce Pratt

Jim Pavlicin
01-12-2011, 10:43 AM
Jim, If you don't mind driving to Kearny,NJ I could give you some wood for free.

Ted Calver
01-12-2011, 10:47 AM
Jim..You might try Timberwolf Tree Service...I did a quick Google search of tree services in your area and they popped up several times. Tree services are often a good source of free domestic woods in large sizes.

john l graham
01-12-2011, 11:48 AM
I have gotten a few blanks from GotWood http://www.turningblanks.net/servlet/StoreFront . They seem to be reasonably priced and the blanks I received were very good quality curly maple as described.

David Warkentin
01-12-2011, 8:06 PM
Gotwood is the only place that I have purchased bowl blanks.

John Merc
01-12-2011, 8:47 PM
Jim check out Willard Brothers in Trenton. Green and dry woods in any size, shape, and type that you can think of. Probably less than a half hour away for you.

Jim Burr
01-12-2011, 8:50 PM
+1 for Mike Smith...he has some great wood!!!! Also +1 for Ebay. FYI...anything you see on Ebat from NC woods is from Mike

Harry Robinette
01-12-2011, 9:52 PM
I've never bought domestic wood I get mine from the city or tree services .I do buy the very little exotic wood I use from West Penn.