View Full Version : Forum Settings-The Look

Jim Eller
01-11-2011, 8:52 PM
I have looked but I don't see a way I can change the setting or the way the forum looks.

I mean changing such things as color, highlighting and the like. Light blue is just not my color.

Am I missing something or is this not an option?


Jim Eller
01-13-2011, 12:48 PM


Bill Edwards(2)
01-13-2011, 1:23 PM
They keep saying, What is.... is.

Glenn Vaughn
01-13-2011, 3:49 PM
It is not just VBulletin - the latest version of Outlook is terrible contrast wise. Web pages are drifting toward the low contrast colors more and more. Thankfully the book publishers have stuck with black on white.

Many of the software developers and web developers are quite young. Their vision is better at discerning differences in color intensity than older people.

Developing software with configuration variables takes more work that using fixed values. More work means more cost and longer development times. Companies are concerned about costs and will cut corners when they can.

Most software avaiable today is "one size fits all". Five years ago my employer switched from a VMS indexed file using COBOL system to a web/Linux/Oracle system at a cost of almost 19 million dollars. We were told the system would do everything we needed and would not need modifications by IT. We currently have at least 12 programmers working full time making changes to the system to get it to fit our needs - this has been going on since the system was intalled five years ago.

As a developer I can see several "features" of VBulletin that are indicative of "lazy" programming. SMC has no control over the developers of the software and has to work with what they get. It is a matter of "it is what it is".

Jim Eller
01-13-2011, 5:03 PM

Ya both confused me but I'm takin', it can't be changed. The blue just seems hard for me to read.

I'm old, but I'll get over it. .........being confused that is.


Myk Rian
01-13-2011, 6:00 PM
I've inquired about the colors and contrast several times. No response.
I can't make sense out of anything because I'm color blind, as are others.
I'm just stumbling along.