View Full Version : Snow Bowl

Lee Koepke
01-11-2011, 8:40 PM
Well, here's my first attempt at a lidded bowl. I knew from the blank that this cherry was gonna be messy, but there was some nice curl/grain to it I couldn't resist the effort.

Cherry Bowl with Maple Lid

Now the fun part ... slipped out of my fingers applying the BLO and viola, its now a gravy bowl.


I promise .. one of these days I will find that little chunk and fix this bowl!!!

David E Keller
01-11-2011, 9:30 PM
That's a pretty chunk of cherry there... Too bad that you chose to spike it in a celebratory end-zone dance! 15 yards from the previous spot, replay the down.

Fred Belknap
01-11-2011, 9:45 PM
Looks like a little glue would fix it right up. :)

John Keeton
01-11-2011, 10:16 PM
Lee, too nice of a bowl to not find that chunk!! It is a pretty good size piece, and should show up soon, I suspect.

Steve Vaughan
01-11-2011, 10:23 PM
Been there done that a time or two! Looks like a pretty clean break, if you can get that piece, you just might save it for good use! Very nice looking it is.

Steve Schlumpf
01-11-2011, 11:00 PM
Pretty bowl! Lots of luck finding the missing piece!

James Combs
01-11-2011, 11:37 PM
I sure understand about missing pieces, as in been there done that. Great looking "gravy" boat.

Bernie Weishapl
01-11-2011, 11:38 PM
That is a really pretty bowl. If your shop is like mine knee deep in chips good lucking finding the piece.

Ron Stadler
01-11-2011, 11:42 PM
oops, whatcha do that for? Nice bowl, you could extend a handle there and make it into a wooden pot.:D

bob svoboda
01-12-2011, 9:15 AM
Dang. Why can't things break when you are just getting started?? Good job on the bowl and lid, however.

Lee Koepke
01-12-2011, 9:18 AM
oops, whatcha do that for? Nice bowl, you could extend a handle there and make it into a wooden pot.:D

now thats a decent idea! I may study on that a bit. The lidded bowl was a reproduction of a ceramic one the LOML has, I will see if there's something I can do with handles.

Baxter Smith
01-12-2011, 1:26 PM
Good luck on the repairs! It is a nice looking piece of wood.