View Full Version : Sliding table attachment help

Eduard Nemirovsky
01-11-2011, 12:41 PM
Please explain to me differences attaching Exaktor or any other sliders to extended wing versus main table saw top. What I am losing? :( or getting?:D
Thank you,

Rod Sheridan
01-11-2011, 1:47 PM
Hi Ed, a format style sliding saw has the sliding table against the side of the blade, as opposed to the Exactor type which has the sliding table spaced away from the blade by whatever the existing table dimension is.

A format slider can of course straight line rip a piece of solid wood since the table is against the blade.

In addition, format tables take up much less floor space as they don't normally have support legs. This makes the saw much more comfortable to work with, and the saw can be moved if you wish to have it portable.

Regards, Rod.

Ray Newman
01-11-2011, 2:05 PM
I have an older Excaliber EXSLT 30 sliding table. I removed it from the saw as it just took up too much room in the shop.

If I recall correctly, the instructions state to remove the cast iron extension wing and mount the sliding unit directly to the table top using the tapped holes for the extension wing. If mounted to the extension wing,the wing will sag under the weight of the sliding table.

Another reason might be ease of installation as the Excaliber sliding table and the fence must be level with TS saw top. And this takes some fiddling to get just right.

frank shic
01-11-2011, 2:09 PM
being able to SAFELY crosscut a full sized sheet of plywood was worth sacrificing that left wing

eugene thomas
01-11-2011, 2:45 PM
i just bought the grizly slider for my 1023 last week and by taking of the left wing bolted wright onto saw within about 10 minutes. If i bolted my slider onto exstention wing closet could get blade to miter assambbly on the slider would probally be 12 or 13".

Rob Wright
01-11-2011, 3:01 PM
Eugene - did you buy the slider that is on-sale at grizzly for your 1023? I have a 1023 and looking at the price ($175) I think that it may be a great addition - any feedback and pics of the install from you would be appreciated!


Thanks - Rob

eugene thomas
01-11-2011, 3:07 PM
177549bought for $ 540 so not think on sale.....

Chip Lindley
01-11-2011, 3:32 PM
Please explain to me differences attaching Exaktor or any other sliders to extended wing versus main table saw top. What I am losing? :( or getting?:D
Thank you,

No need to keep the left extension wing. Both Exaktor or Excaliber sliders are virtually identical and must be attached to the saw table. Follow installation instructions. You will never miss that cast iron wing. These sliding attachments DO take up lots of floor space, but if space is available, they solve the problem of sizing sheet goods accurately.

David Nelson1
01-11-2011, 4:25 PM
The slider that Eugene has is a Luguna clone or visa versa. The difference is by appearance only the color of the fence. Mine is blue where his is red. I have yet to install mine but I played with it on the saw before it came off and its nice.

I was going to leave the left wing extension on due to the fact the feet do support all of or most of the weight. Eugene might have changed my mind.

David Nelson1
01-11-2011, 5:25 PM
Wow! I just went into a melt down LOL. I was thinking the fence was adjustable, which its not, I was more than worried that I would not have the clearance. All is good. Got it by a rough 1/2 inch.

Keith Weber
01-12-2011, 3:19 AM

I have the Exactor (essentially the same) on my cabinet saw, and absolutely love it. I chose to leave the wing on. I can cut big panels out of a full sheet of plywood effortlessly and perfectly square every time. Contrary to what Ray said (no disrespect), there is/will be no sag. The unit is very well built, and it is supported by legs, so it's got nowhere to sag to. Also, you won't want the sliding table flush with the tablesaw top, you'll want it slightly proud. I'm not talking a lot, probably just a couple or few thousandths. If it's proud, then sheet goods will slide through the blade with ease since most of the weight will be supported by the slider. If it's the same height or slightly sunken, then there will be a lot of unnecessary drag where the sheet goods contact the table. For a small piece you might not notice it, but you will with a heavy, 4'x8' sheet. Also, if it's not slightly proud, the sliding fence will rub on the tablesaw top.

If you choose to remove the wing, you'll have to consider that you'll have to cut the tablesaw rip fence rail that much shorter (that is, unless you decide to mount the slider rails behind the tablesaw ripping fence rail -- but this would really cripple the maximum width of material you could crosscut with the slider fence pushing the work through.) If you're saw is not against a wall, you could just move the rip fence rail to the right if you wanted.

The con to leaving the wing on is that the sheet is supported further from the blade, and the slider fence is supported further from the blade. When I crosscut, I push with one hand by the sliding table and the other on the right side of the slider fence. I've never had any flex issues doing it this way.

The pro is that I can rip wide sheets with at least 20" to the left of the blade (guess -- not in front of saw right now) without having to dink around with removing and later re-installing the slider fence (not hard, but still a bit of a PITA). I just loosen the two toggles on the slider fence and slide the slider fence to the left. It takes 5 seconds to do this. Much easier than removing the slider fence and trying to find somewhere out of the way to set it. Taking the wing off would have meant more removing of the slider fence for me. With the wing in place, I rarely ever have to remove the fence. That was the main reason that I left it on. I nice bonus is that it gives me room to stand to the left of the blade without having the slider rail poking my hip.

Hope this helped in your decision.


Eduard Nemirovsky
01-12-2011, 5:29 PM
Keith, Thank you very much for explanation and picture.
Now, I need to find a good deal on Exaktor and will buy it.

Thanks again,

frank shic
01-12-2011, 5:32 PM
eduard, i got mine off of craigslist for $500.

Rob Sack
01-12-2011, 9:42 PM
I have an original Excaliber that has performed well over the years. Its accuracy is unbelievable. The company has changed hands over the years, with Excaliber now being made by General Tool. The Excaliber is much more expensive than the Exactor, but it includes many more features. I would suggest you contact the manufacturers to compare the differences. For me, the extra features and construction of the Excaliber is worth the extra cost.