View Full Version : Chuck Plate

Jerry Marcantel
01-11-2011, 10:42 AM
I would like to notify anyone who might be or have already made one of my Chuck plates to upgrade the screws to # 10's. I had typical drywall screws in one of mine, and was turning very aggressivly to push the CP, and when I got the project roughed, shut down so I could turn the piece around an insert the tenon in my Nova G3, I noticed 4 of the screws had broken or gotten bent. So, those of you who are making your own, please upgrade....Thanks. .......... Jerry (in Tucson)

Harvey M. Taylor
01-11-2011, 12:10 PM
Thanks for the timely modification. Just completed mine sans the screws. Max

Dan Forman
01-11-2011, 5:10 PM
Drywall screws are not very strong, I'd go with a different type.


Art Kelly
01-11-2011, 5:25 PM
Spax. http://www.spax.com/usa/

Ryan Baker
01-11-2011, 8:48 PM
Yes, drywall screws should NEVER be used for anything but drywall. They are very brittle and snap off easily with any stress on them. Ypu have to watch out with a number of other screw types as well if you are just counting on the strength of the tips. As Art mentioned, SPAX are nice.