View Full Version : Cleaned up a saw a bit today

Shawn Stennett
01-10-2011, 12:38 AM
I cleaned up a Atkins 8 tpi crosscut saw today, it had a little minor rust. I am just now learning about hand saws and have started reading about sharpening. I have begun getting the things I need like a saw vise and a saw set, no files yet. I have a bunch more to learn before I give it a go. I assume that this saw is a relatively newer saw as saws go, but is it a decent one. I will post a couple other pictures of another saw, could someone tell me about it as well. The first one has a Atkins Medalion and the last picture is the other Atkins with a Warrented Superior Medalion and says No 65 ship point on the etch.

Dan Andrews
01-10-2011, 7:29 AM
For a very good artical about saw sharpening and setting I reccomend www.vintagesaws.com/library/sharp (http://www.vintagesaws.com/library/sharp) This artical and the good advise here at SC are all I had to get started in saw sharpening. I do recommend you start with sharpening some old junker saw. Buy something cheap with not too fine a tooth. I think the larger teeth are easier to learn on.

This same saw can also give you practice in tote repair/refinishing and blade cleaning/straightening. If you proceed carefully you may end up with a good usable saw, If not so good, you have gotten some inexpensive practice and some saw nuts for future saw rehab.

Good luck. I find saw rehab to be fun if I am not in a hurry.

Shawn Stennett
01-10-2011, 10:22 AM
Thanks Dan I will give it a read.