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View Full Version : You guys are causing me trouble

Mike Tempel
01-09-2005, 12:23 PM
The other night I was doing a little surfing in the creek admiring others work and projects when unknown to me LOML started looking over my shoulder. I made some comment about how I thought I would enjoy building something I saw when she spoke up. Now, up until then I didn't know she was there. I invited her to wade in the creek with me and take a look at some of the marvelous projects people had made and posted pics of. She pulled up a chair and we started checking out various threads from different people of all different skill levels. All the tool gloats, projects, etc. She would ask me if I had a certain tool to do one thing or another with and I would either say yes I did have that or would tell her how it might be done without it. She was clearly sucking me in for the kill and I didn't realize it:eek: !! Well, we kept looking and she would nonchalantly say that something would look nice in our house over here or over there and would ask if I thought I could make something like that:o . Well, my usual reply was "sure, all I need is the time". Notice I failed to throw in that I needed a new tool or jig - my fault, big mistake. Being further sucked in all the time and I didn't have a clue. This went on for a while and the whole time I was getting deeper and deeper into my honey do list and still didn't realize it. What was I thinking???:confused: ??? Where was my mind??:confused: ?? I must have been blinded by love:o . Or jealousy or envy or something. Mostly I think the testerone levels were at an all time high and I was proving my manhood by constantly saying "yes, I could do that".
Well, to make a long story short (too late) there I was with my honey do list about 20 years long:eek: . Thanks to the wonderful talent displayed here on a daily basis I now will need a forest of lumber to finish my honey do list:confused: . You guys are great but from now on I will look over my shoulder before looking at a thread with that little paper clip beside it. Man, am I in trouble.

Pat Kearney
01-09-2005, 12:27 PM
I was in a similar boat with my sofa table. Have a look at this posting. http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=15491

Good luck!

scott spencer
01-09-2005, 12:32 PM
I see permission for some new tools in your future! Congratulations!! ;-)

Ted Shrader
01-09-2005, 12:34 PM
Mike -

Look at it this way. The "Honey Do" list is working capital. You will be able to draw on it for the occasional new tool that you "must" have to complete the . . . You could even go to the "bank" (SMC) to look for more "opportunities to excel". :) :)


John Miliunas
01-09-2005, 12:44 PM
Mike, Mike, Mike.....Sheeeeesh....I thought we learned you better than THAT!:eek: Now, all the guys out here know about the testosterone thing, but you always...ALWAYS, have to justify the, "Sure. I can make that." How? Well, it's more like, "Sure. I can make that. Except I don't have a (insert tool here), so it won't be quite as nice, because I'll have to (insert real simple, mundane looking process here) instead." Or, there's always, "Yeah, I think I know HOW to make that, except I don't have a (insert tool here)." Then, there's, "Sorry, don't have a (insert tool here). Besides, I saw something almost exactly like that at Walmart the other day. I think Sauder makes one.", and then let HER offer for you to get a (insert tool here)!:D :cool:

Steve Ash
01-09-2005, 12:45 PM
I know how you feel, my wife saw a rocking chair she liked and wanted me to build. I said "Honey, I'd need a band saw to make that"....well about 2 weeks later I had a Jet bandsaw. Now I need to find a project I need a planer for....:)

Tim Morton
01-09-2005, 1:13 PM
I've said this before, but one thing about wives confuses me..(well not just one, but lets focus here :D )...Why when they get SO upset if we buy stereo equipment, (insert your own wives pet peeve here)....do they roll over like new puppies when we say we can build something if we only had the correct tool. I've got an 8" jointer now so i can build her a country farm table( which may or may not require a jointer*S*), but I want to upgrade my rear surround speakers and its like I'm asking to buy a new truck. She's all for the jointer...and hates the thought of my buying new speakers. Jointer $700 bucks and speakers $250. Go figure!!

John Miliunas
01-09-2005, 1:26 PM
I've said this before, but one thing about wives confuses me..(well not just one, but lets focus here :D )...Why when they get SO upset if we buy stereo equipment, (insert your own wives pet peeve here)....do they roll over like new puppies when we say we can build something if we only had the correct tool. I've got an 8" jointer now so i can build her a country farm table( which may or may not require a jointer*S*), but I want to upgrade my rear surround speakers and its like I'm asking to buy a new truck. She's all for the jointer...and hates the thought of my buying new speakers. Jointer $700 bucks and speakers $250. Go figure!!That's an easy one, Tim. Most (not all) female types appreciate certain types of furniture. Most (not all) female types could give a rat's patoot if you've got high-quality enclosures and drivers on the rear speakers or if they're plastic speaker boxes with 5" full-range speakers in them. Well, as long as they *look* OK, that is. Most (not all) females don't know a sub-woofer from a submarine!:rolleyes: A few years ago I picked up a nice home theater receiver with the seperate sub outputs, S-video, this, that and the other thing. Her total questions: "How do you turn it "on"? Where's the volume control? And, can I play my CD's on it?":D Go figure. On the flip side, a significant other appreciating finer furniture IS to our advantage when purchasing tools!:D :D :D :cool:

Christian Aufreiter
01-09-2005, 1:31 PM
The other night I was doing a little surfing in the creek admiring others work and projects when unknown to me LOML started looking over my shoulder. I made some comment about how I thought I would enjoy building something I saw when she spoke up. Now, up until then I didn't know she was there. I invited her to wade in the creek with me and take a look at some of the marvelous projects people had made and posted pics of. She pulled up a chair and we started checking out various threads from different people of all different skill levels. All the tool gloats, projects, etc. She would ask me if I had a certain tool to do one thing or another with and I would either say yes I did have that or would tell her how it might be done without it. She was clearly sucking me in for the kill and I didn't realize it:eek: !! Well, we kept looking and she would nonchalantly say that something would look nice in our house over here or over there and would ask if I thought I could make something like that:o . Well, my usual reply was "sure, all I need is the time". Notice I failed to throw in that I needed a new tool or jig - my fault, big mistake. Being further sucked in all the time and I didn't have a clue. This went on for a while and the whole time I was getting deeper and deeper into my honey do list and still didn't realize it. What was I thinking???:confused: ??? Where was my mind??:confused: ?? I must have been blinded by love:o . Or jealousy or envy or something. Mostly I think the testerone levels were at an all time high and I was proving my manhood by constantly saying "yes, I could do that".
Well, to make a long story short (too late) there I was with my honey do list about 20 years long:eek: . Thanks to the wonderful talent displayed here on a daily basis I now will need a forest of lumber to finish my honey do list:confused: . You guys are great but from now on I will look over my shoulder before looking at a thread with that little paper clip beside it. Man, am I in trouble.

I have only one single question:
What will happen when your wife reads this post? :confused:



Carl Eyman
01-09-2005, 1:58 PM
If you post your list, maybe you could get volunteers to each build a piece. If we got you into the mess, we should get you out, right? Of course, I'm off to Williamsburg for "Working Wood in the Eighteenth Century"; so I'll have my hands full for the rest of the year, but I'm sure the others will pitch in.

John Miliunas
01-09-2005, 2:07 PM
If you post your list, maybe you could get volunteers to each build a piece. If we got you into the mess, we should get you out, right? Of course, I'm off to Williamsburg for "Working Wood in the Eighteenth Century"; so I'll have my hands full for the rest of the year, but I'm sure the others will pitch in.
Carl, I can clearly see that your "generosity" is without bounds!:D :rolleyes: Sheeeeesh...The REST of us are already busy trying to dig out from our own, self-inflicted "honey-do" lists!:) :cool:

Ted Daigle
01-09-2005, 2:28 PM
I know how you feel, my wife saw a rocking chair she liked and wanted me to build. I said "Honey, I'd need a band saw to make that"....well about 2 weeks later I had a Jet bandsaw. Now I need to find a project I need a planer for....:)

When you find it, tell me. I want one, too! :D

Arnie Grammon
01-09-2005, 3:23 PM
...she was clearly sucking me in for the kill and I didn't realize it:eek: !!
...notice I failed to throw in that I needed a new tool or jig - my fault, big mistake. What was I thinking???:confused: ??? Where was my mind??:confused: ??
...to make a long story short (too late) there I was with my honey do list about 20 years long:eek: .
...Man, am I in trouble.
To quote my pre-teen, "you are toast". What were you thinking?

To me, it's like an algebraic equation....

(A) Furniture X (B) LOML = (C) New Tools

Tell her the equation must be in balance for everything to work properly. Or, if all else fails, tell her you will never see her again for the next 20 yrs unless you purchase the "right tool for the job".



Mike Tempel
01-09-2005, 4:00 PM
Christian, I have a new rule - only look at SMC at work now.

Otherwise she might be watching. My wife can be sneaky when she wants to be so I will have to be careful while at home.

Mike Tempel
01-09-2005, 4:04 PM
Mike -

Look at it this way. The "Honey Do" list is working capital. You will be able to draw on it for the occasional new tool that you "must" have to complete the . . . You could even go to the "bank" (SMC) to look for more "opportunities to excel". :) :)

I wish I could but I think I may have drawn all the "credit" from the Bank of LOML as I could. As for the SMC bank - my wife may have overdrawn that account without even knowing.
I may try and turn this into a cabinet saw though. But every time I bring it up she says, "but honey, you do such good work with what you have". Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.
Man, what a mess you guys got me into.

Christian Aufreiter
01-09-2005, 5:56 PM
Christian, I have a new rule - only look at SMC at work now.

Otherwise she might be watching. My wife can be sneaky when she wants to be so I will have to be careful while at home.

Good strategy. BUT maybe your wife is just waiting that you leave for work then she can enjoy SMC at home :eek: :D

Just kidding.

Dale Thompson
01-09-2005, 11:10 PM
"but honey, you do such good work with what you have". Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.
Man, what a mess you guys got me into.

If you do such good work with what you have - why complain?? Don't blame US for your talent!

Just get up off of your talented derriere and make her what she wants.

Begging for new tools is not a sign of class nor is it a characteristic of masculinity! ;) :rolleyes: :)

I am older than dirt and I have NEVER begged for new tools!! ;) :eek: :rolleyes: :)

Dale T.

Jeff Sudmeier
01-10-2005, 8:33 AM
:) Ahhh... yes you forgot to ask for new tools. I already have LOML set up that I need a bandsaw and a mortiser for the next two projects that I am making! With all of the xmas presents that I made, she can finally see that the shop is paying off for more than JUST me :)

Todd Griffin
01-10-2005, 11:19 AM
I've said this before, but one thing about wives confuses me..(well not just one, but lets focus here :D )...Why when they get SO upset if we buy stereo equipment, (insert your own wives pet peeve here)....do they roll over like new puppies when we say we can build something if we only had the correct tool. I've got an 8" jointer now so i can build her a country farm table( which may or may not require a jointer*S*), but I want to upgrade my rear surround speakers and its like I'm asking to buy a new truck. She's all for the jointer...and hates the thought of my buying new speakers. Jointer $700 bucks and speakers $250. Go figure!!
Instead of buying new rear surrounds, use your jointer to make some. My other hobby is building/making speakers. I can point you to some resources/kits that sound phenominal in that price range. That way you get the new speakers, have fun making them, and can build them with WAF (wife acceptance factor) in mind. Send my a PM if you would like more info.


Ken Fitzgerald
01-10-2005, 11:26 AM

As mentioned before....new project = new tools.......

Or when all else fails.....grovel, beg, plead, cry, whine, whatever it takes.... :rolleyes: :D

Mike Tempel
01-10-2005, 4:45 PM
If you do such good work with what you have - why complain?? Don't blame US for your talent!

Just get up off of your talented derriere and make her what she wants.

Begging for new tools is not a sign of class nor is it a characteristic of masculinity! ;) :rolleyes: :)

I am older than dirt and I have NEVER begged for new tools!! ;) :eek: :rolleyes: :)

Dale T.

It's not begging - it's more like negotiation. You see, I get a new tool for a new project and she might ask for a new car. You have to negotiate and compromise sometimes to make all involved feel like they have won. I must think of her long before I think of myself.

I don't beg. I am just considerate of the needs or wants of the other party involved.

Dale Thompson
01-10-2005, 8:08 PM
. You see, I get a new tool for a new project and she might ask for a new car. .

You are one TOUGH negotiator! :cool: You get a new tool (let's say a pair of pliers) and she gets a new car. HMMMM!! If your negotiating skills run in the family, I want to marry your sister. ;) :D Let's see now - she gets four pairs of pliers and I get four Lamborginis (sp?) or four Ferraris. :) :)

We'll all have to move to Utah, however, because my wife would NEVER let go of a handsome, debonaire, talented, charasmatic, intelligent, wonderful human being like I am. Well - maybe for a GOOD pair of pliers she probably would. :o ;) :)

Dale T.

Mike Tempel
01-10-2005, 9:16 PM
So, you are saying I should shoot for something a little more expensive than a pair of pliers?? Novel idea my good man. I should maybe go for a coping saw next time she wants a new car???? Wow, this is getting better all the time.
I recently bought her a new house. It took a year but I did work in a few extras for the shop (hope she doesn't see this) without her becoming too wise to it. This might not be too bad after all ;) .

Dale Thompson
01-10-2005, 9:46 PM
So, you are saying I should shoot for something a little more expensive than a pair of pliers?? Novel idea my good man. I should maybe go for a coping saw next time she wants a new car???? Wow, this is getting better all the time.

If you DO agree to the car/coping saw compromise, make sure that you get a pack of extra blades. Otherwise you are getting ripped off - again!! ;) :)

Dale T.

Mark J Bachler
01-11-2005, 9:04 AM
I'm from the "if your gonna build one, build three" school of thought. I just made a hall tree for my daughter, and 2 more that I sold for $150 each. Thats where my extra tool money comes from. Not long ago "ol what's her name" wanted a potato / onion bin. I made 5. Between those & the hall trees I am now shopping for a Horiz. edge sander.

Scott Stephens
01-11-2005, 9:48 AM
First rule of thumb - A new tool for every new project.

If it only worked that way.

John Miliunas
01-11-2005, 9:53 AM
First rule of thumb - A new tool for every new project.

If it only worked that way.
It doesn't???!!!!:confused: :eek: ;) :) :cool:

Karl Laustrup
01-11-2005, 10:10 AM
I'm from the "if your gonna build one, build three" school of thought. I just made a hall tree for my daughter, and 2 more that I sold for $150 each. Thats where my extra tool money comes from. Not long ago "ol what's her name" wanted a potato / onion bin. I made 5. Between those & the hall trees I am now shopping for a Horiz. edge sander.
I like your way of thinking Mark. Of the few items I've built so far, I have made at least two of each. I'll have to increase that to 4-5 and sell the remaining so maybe I can get one of them spinny thingys.