View Full Version : Cottonwood Surprise

Kathy Marshall
01-01-2011, 5:40 PM
Got out the chainsaw this morning to cut a blank of cottonwood that's going out in the mail on monday and decided to turn the other half of the blank.
Got it roughed (kinda like driving in a rainstorm with no wipers, this stuff is WET) and got a nice surprise when I saw some spalting!
Pics are the roughed outside, the face before roughing the inside, the roughed inside and the blank thats going in the mail (for the recipient, you know who you are, hope you enjoy it!), and for those that haven't had a chance to turn green wood, a nice pile of green turned curlies :D
The roughed out bowl (about 10" x 5") is now soaking in my DNA bucket and will be taken out next weekend.

Steve Schlumpf
01-01-2011, 5:43 PM
Turning green can be a lot of fun - but you have to dress for it! Great looking wood! Looking forward to seeing the bowl once finished!

Michael James
01-01-2011, 6:26 PM
That certainly looks prettier than the local cottonwood - does it still smell like wet barn? Keep em coming!

David E Keller
01-01-2011, 6:28 PM
That's pretty... I don't think our local cottonwood has that much color.

Nate Davey
01-01-2011, 6:29 PM
That's a nice piece of wood.

Harry Robinette
01-01-2011, 7:00 PM
Nice piece of wood and yes it does rain when you turn green.Keep up the good work.

John Keeton
01-01-2011, 7:13 PM
Kathy, that is going to make a beautiful bowl!! Hope that "someone" appreciates the blank!

Bernie Weishapl
01-01-2011, 7:28 PM
That is going to be a pretty bowl. Really nice looking cottonwood.

Richard Madden
01-01-2011, 10:26 PM
Looks good so far. Be sure and post some finished pics. I've never seen cottonwood with such color...nice.

Don Alexander
01-02-2011, 5:17 AM
i'm pretty sure "the someone" very much appreciates the blank :D

and even more so the generosity of the sender

Doug W Swanson
01-02-2011, 9:44 AM
That should turn out nice! I'm sure the recipient will be pleased....

Michelle Rich
01-02-2011, 2:39 PM
it's gonna be a stunner. Very pretty..let's see it when it'scompleted