View Full Version : The Christmas Bowl

John Keeton
12-31-2010, 6:45 PM
Curly maple, 8.5" x 1.5", dyed with Transtint Bright Red. Finish started out lacquer, but ended up WOP. It is 1/8" thick, except for the very bottom. This is some very nice maple, and I look forward to doing some other turnings from it.

The form is a very basic ogee that I turned with the intention of having a palette for some airbrush practice - my new toy! But, the session did not go as planned, and I was unable to get all of the dye sanded back, so it became Ms. Keeton's Christmas Bowl!!:D It was actually finished Christmas Eve, but I have played with the finish since, off and on. Still not perfect, but it will have to do. Time to move on!
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Roger Chandler
12-31-2010, 6:52 PM

Nicely done! The finish is exquisite! Good form and pretty grained wood! that airbrush should add to your capabilities and give you options you did not have in the past. Can't wait for the next adventures from Keeton's studio!

Steve Schlumpf
12-31-2010, 7:17 PM
John - as far as I am concerned the form is perfect! Love the ogee! Beautiful wood - great glass-like finish and I actually love the color! Eileen has good tastes when it comes to turnings! Always listen to what she has to say!

Cody Colston
12-31-2010, 7:19 PM
John, you have a knack for turning the mundane into something spectacular. Love the bowl.

Joe Mioux
12-31-2010, 7:24 PM
THAT! is beautiful~!!!!!!!!

that is one of my favorite shapes....

as a florist and a floral designer I am always looking for useable shapes in a container.

gary Zimmel
12-31-2010, 8:08 PM
What started out as a simple chunk of maple sure turned out beautiful in the hands of a master..

Michael James
12-31-2010, 8:16 PM
Ok so you messed up a palette -we'll let you slide on this one. Nice save!:D

I thnik there's some subliminal messaging in some of these glossy posts.. I'm trying to resist, fighting the urge to reach for the lacquer....put way away in the cabinet...don't go glossy....dont GO Glossy....... GO GLOSSY....arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh:cool:

Nate Davey
12-31-2010, 8:20 PM
Another great job John. I love the Ogee as well, I'm still trying to figure that shape out.

Jim Burr
12-31-2010, 8:20 PM
That wood has more curl that my hair! Well done, sir...although I'm not sure about giving your wife a sub standard turning!!:rolleyes:;):D

Mike Cruz
12-31-2010, 8:40 PM
Yeah, yeah, yeah, nice turning. What else ya got? :D

Doug W Swanson
12-31-2010, 8:53 PM
This is another well done creation. While I may not be big on dyes, the red really helps the grain show!


dan carter
12-31-2010, 8:57 PM
That's a beauty. It is interesting the differing effects the dye had on the grain. Nice shape.

David E Keller
12-31-2010, 9:02 PM
Lovely little red bowl. You seem to knock out perfect ogees with no trouble at all... I wish I had the eye to do so. I even like the little foot!

Faust M. Ruggiero
12-31-2010, 9:05 PM
Very Pretty, John. The red is spectacular. You must have loved actually being able to easily see the inside of a turning as you made it.
Happy New Year! We will look forward to seeing what you turn in 2011. We're looking for great things.

Bernie Weishapl
12-31-2010, 9:37 PM
Absolutely beautiful John. Really pretty wood and the finish is over the top. So how did the airbrushing go? I have used mine but haven't got elaborte yet with it. I just used it for doing one color at a time. I want to get to the layering of colors.

Cathy Schaewe
12-31-2010, 11:17 PM
Absolutely beautiful. So what else is new ?!? ;)

Thom Sturgill
01-01-2011, 7:17 AM
Very nice, John. The dye really emphasises the curl. Nice simple ogee is a wonderful for for showing the grain too.

Bill Hensley
01-01-2011, 7:48 AM
Elegant, nicely done!

I am interested in hearing more about applying the airbrush to turnings. I started airbrushing crankbaits this year and keep thinking there must be a way to "tastefully" apply it to my turnings but I keep coming up short on imagination.

Rex Guinn
01-01-2011, 9:00 AM
I think your definition of perfect is different than mine. It looks perfect to me. I think you need to give a demo at BAW on sanding and finishing. Not dye just the basics so everyone else can learn from the pro!


Bob Bergstrom
01-01-2011, 10:29 AM
Keep playing with that airbrush. With your artistic talent it will open up a ton of new techniques and ideas.

John Keeton
01-01-2011, 11:35 AM
Thanks, folks!! Hope all of you are enjoying your day! Most likely the only time in your life where the date is 1/1/11!!

Can't wait for the next adventures from Keeton's studio!Roger, if I call my shop a studio, does that somehow increase my skill level??!:rolleyes:

Eileen has good tastes when it comes to turnings! Always listen to what she has to say!Steve, as you know, she agrees with you most times!! I am outnumbered!:eek:

You seem to knock out perfect ogees with no trouble at all... I wish I had the eye to do so. I even like the little foot!David, it certainly isn't effortless, but I have developed a systematic method of doing them that seems to help. And....glad you like the foot!! That may be a first for you.

You must have loved actually being able to easily see the inside of a turning as you made it.Faust, now that is funny!!:D It was a refreshing change, however!;)

So how did the airbrushing go? I have used mine but haven't got elaborte yet with it. I just used it for doing one color at a time. I want to get to the layering of colors.Bernie, the problem with my first attempt was trying to achieve an effect that I just do not think is possible with dye. The "blending" or "layering" is what would be the most effective method of airbrushing dyes. Getting comfortable with the airbrush itself, wasn't all that difficult. I think at some point, I will combine some dye work, and some acrylic overlay - just haven't fully developed the idea yet.

Don Alexander
01-01-2011, 11:39 AM
Roger, if I call my shop a studio, does that somehow increase my skill level??!

nope but it probably would increase the selling price of your stuff :D

your skill level doesn't need a name (as if anyone needed me to point out that obvious tidbit) :o

Ron Stadler
01-01-2011, 1:47 PM
Sure is some pretty wood John, my christmas bowl turned out to be a funnel.:eek:

Roger Chandler
01-01-2011, 1:54 PM
[QUOTE=John Keeton;1598626] Roger, if I call my shop a studio, does that somehow increase my skill level??!:rolleyes:


No, it does not automatically increase your skill level, but calling your shop a studio makes you sound more like an "R-TEEEEEST" to the public, and who knows, might even get you a sale or two! :rolleyes::D

Don't anybody go throwing rocks at me now! I appreciate a good "R-teeeest" as good as the next guy! :D

Roger Chandler
01-01-2011, 1:59 PM
Sure is some pretty wood John, my christmas bowl turned out to be a funnel.:eek:


You should post a picture of that funnel on the thread "pics of a stupid mistake" that is where all the creekers are posting the turning disasters they have pics of!