View Full Version : wood checkers

tom anderson
12-31-2010, 5:57 PM
ok, this is my first try at turning wood checkers! I will try and post some pictures here. I had made the checker board, then with some good adivse from here on the forum I made a try at turning checkers. I am very new at wood turning.

Since I have no scroll chuck, I had to make a jam chuck. after 4 attemps this one worked out well.
thanks for looking

Fred Perreault
12-31-2010, 6:04 PM
Great checkerboard, etc. I have a vac system, and a combination vac/jam chuck would probably be a winner. I have a Beall 1.25" tap, and have made numerous sizes of vac chucks from black locust. A couple changed shape a wee bit, so I re-tapped them, chucked 'em up, and turned them round again.
Happy 2011 to all........
Fred & Kathy P.

John Keeton
12-31-2010, 6:52 PM
Tom, I think you did an excellent job on these!! Particularly, with having to build the jam chuck, and being new to turning. Good work!

Bill Bulloch
12-31-2010, 7:03 PM
Those turned out nice. Now you just have to find some old man to play with. I don't think there are any on this forum.

Roger Chandler
12-31-2010, 7:11 PM
Now you just have to find some old man to play with. I don't think there are any on this forum.

Bill, I totally agree.......there are NO OLD MEN on this forum! :rolleyes:;):D

David E Keller
12-31-2010, 10:17 PM
Nicely done. Given your stated lack of turning experience, you chose a pretty tough project for an early venture into turning... Having to turn two things that are supposed to be identical is hard enough where you just pulled off two dozen.

tom anderson
01-01-2011, 9:36 AM
thanks to everyone for the nice comments! I think the hardest on this project was making a jam chuck to hold the checker while turning the design and getting them all the same thickness. after 3 jam chucks shattered or didnt hold well even with a piece of paper towel, the 4th turned out better. Anyways I got to give you guys on this forum credit, for I do a lot of reading and studing the posts and experiences on here. thanks again

Bernie Weishapl
01-01-2011, 11:04 AM
The set looks really nice. You did well for a new turner and having to build a jam chuck which I think would be harder than turning the checkers.

Ron Stadler
01-01-2011, 2:53 PM
Pretty cool idea and they look quite well I would say.