View Full Version : Tru Oil and Arm-R-Seal

Leigh Betsch
12-31-2010, 10:28 AM
I have a couple of small walnut boxes I made. I thought I would experiment with Tru Oil as a finish. I wet sanded the Tru Oil in to fill the pours, then applied a couple of top coats of Tru Oil. It's too glossy for my likes. I've tried Scotchbrite but the Tru Oil is not curred well enough yet so it gums up. So my question is can I just top coat with satin ArmR-Seal to get the final satin finish? Will the Tru Oil still harded under the Arm-R-Seal? thanks for the help.

Andrew Arndts
12-31-2010, 12:47 PM
Relax, let the Tru-oil cure then use 0000 steel wool to buff down to a satin finish.

Leigh Betsch
12-31-2010, 2:02 PM
Relax, let the Tru-oil cure then use 0000 steel wool to buff down to a satin finish.
Yeah I gave it another day and this morning I was able to get on it with 0000. But the boxes have quite a few nooks and crannies were the moldings meet the sides, hard to get all the gloss buffed out. So I top coated with satin Arm-R-Seal anyway. Guess I just wait to see it that was a mistake.