View Full Version : Bradford Pear hf

Bill Bolen
12-29-2010, 10:25 PM
Haven't set foot in the shop in 3 weeks (life just gets in the way) but had to get back to the lathe. The withdrawing from turning was too painfull. This piece is about 5x7 and finished with homebrew DO. Felt good to get dusty again...Bill...

Thomas Canfield
12-29-2010, 10:34 PM
Nice looking Bill. Don't you just love the way that the Bradford Pear finishes. Your homebrew DO seems to have a lot of shine. What is your recipe if you care to share? How many coats did you use, and any final buffing and wax?

Bernie Weishapl
12-29-2010, 10:42 PM
That is a beauty Bill. Really like the form and finial.

dan carter
12-29-2010, 10:42 PM
Looks very good. It is obvious your homebrew works well.

Roger Chandler
12-29-2010, 10:46 PM
That is just a great HF.............Bill, your work is the quality that I am going to strive to emulate when I get my hollowing rig and my steady rest in operation. I think your forms are so classic, and I have not seen anyone on any forum that has more flowing curves and seems to always get the proportions on the forms almost perfect.

You really do nice work!

Richard Madden
12-29-2010, 10:46 PM
Good job, Bill. It looks darker than most BP i've turned.

David E Keller
12-29-2010, 10:52 PM
Very nice... It's obvious that you didn't suffer any atrophy of your turning muscles during the hiatus. The finish is fantastic.

Fred Belknap
12-30-2010, 7:51 AM
Bill that is great. I see nothing negative about it.:)

John Keeton
12-30-2010, 8:02 AM
Bill, just an excellent piece!! It is darker than I would have expected, but that is a plus for this one - it works! Great form, and good balance.

Very nice... It's obvious that you didn't suffer any atrophy of your turning muscles during the hiatus. The finish is fantastic.David, that is why Bill had to take a few weeks off during the holidays - to build up some extra "turning muscle" for this piece!:D

Allan Ferguson
12-30-2010, 8:40 AM
Really great piece of turning, top to bottom.

Nate Davey
12-30-2010, 8:55 AM
It seems apparent to me the Bill spent that three weeks with this piece of wood at a Buddhist Monastery locked away in quiet meditation until the wood spoke to him. Beautiful job Bill.

Carol Kinney
12-30-2010, 9:14 AM
Very nice Bill, like John said great form and balance. I just received some of the Bradford Pear now I can't wait to try it out!

Kieran Kammerer
12-30-2010, 9:26 AM
Very nice piece Bill.

Bill Bolen
12-30-2010, 10:31 AM
Thanks all and yes the "turning muscle" was enlarged after T Day and Christmas dinners! Thomas the home brew is pretty standard mix. Equal parts of Satin poly, BLO and mineral spirits...Bill..

bob svoboda
12-30-2010, 10:36 AM
Super work, Bill. Stunning finish and a very nicely shaped form.

Jim Burr
12-30-2010, 10:40 AM
I was blessed during the holidays to receive longer arms from Santa. A compensation for the larger turning muscle :p;)

Ron Stadler
12-30-2010, 12:01 PM
That's and apple, not a pear:) Your form kinda reminded me of an apple, nice HF and really great finish.

Steve Schlumpf
12-30-2010, 4:06 PM
Another nice one Bill! Good proportions, nice detail work on the finial and - of course - your glass-like finish! I also like the monochromatic look on this one. Nothing against black finials - but natural can be good as well!

Michael James
12-30-2010, 6:53 PM
Very nice work, as usual. As stated, all aspects are great. Keep em coming~

Thomas Canfield
12-30-2010, 10:19 PM

Thanks. I use a "souped up" home brew of 4 parts DO to 1 part gloss poly along with buffing with Tripoli. My last batch was made up total home brew and not commercial DO and it did have a higher sheen. Finishing is not my favorite part of turning and I keep looking for an easy way out.