View Full Version : More birdhouses

larry satchwell
12-29-2010, 9:19 PM

Didn't have time before Christmas to post these. I made these for the grandkids this year. I used our "heritage" wood. Most rescued from the fire wood pile years ago. The first one on left has body made of great great grandpa's cherry and the top is our 2008 Christmas tree. Next one is my down fall poplar and great grandpa's cherry. Next is great grandpa's osage orange body with his walnut top. Last is grandson's (age 3)first glue up. I was in the workshop one day he came over and wanted to make something. I had just cut up this cedar and cypress. He took the acid brush and spread the glue. Top is 2009 Christmas tree. Great- great grandpa and grandpa have been gone for years. I loved to go through their woodpiles every time I visited, always carried away some treasures. Have a few pieces left for the next few years.

Donny Lawson
12-29-2010, 9:39 PM
Those are nice. A friend showed me his birdhouse yesterday and I thought it was neat. He said it was easy to make. I will try these little things when I get set up.

Brian Libby
12-29-2010, 9:45 PM
Very nice bird houses, the heritage makes them even nicer!
My grand kids always want to go out into the garage and do "something with wood"! Oldest one is 8 and is beginning to do some basics with help.

Harry Robinette
12-30-2010, 12:04 AM
Those are really nice and the wood history is great.Please take a picture and write all that info down, the family will treasure it allot longer then any of us will be around to.Just my thoughts on it.

larry satchwell
12-30-2010, 9:51 AM
Thanks Harry,

You can't see it in the pictures but on the inside I tell what the wood is and where it came from, sign it and date it on acid free paper.
