View Full Version : Bandsaw Blades

Jonathan Spool
12-29-2010, 9:18 PM
Well, I got posessed today and pulled the trigger on a Minimax MM24 (good posession by the Wood Gods). I'll be using it for dry wood resawing as well as green wood blank cutting and lumber cutting. My question is whether the Lenos Woodmaster CT blade is really as good a resaw blade as the Tri Master? Or better as some say?

I've always used Timberwolf blades for green wood, but wouldn't mind hearing opinions on that from other woodworkers. Thanks in advance.

Doug Shepard
12-29-2010, 9:25 PM
Sam Blasco had a pretty good comparison thread a while back
FWIW Sam used to be a sales rep at Minimax

Van Huskey
12-29-2010, 9:54 PM
My three favorite resaw blades in order are:

1. Laguna Resaw King
2. Lenox Trimaster
3. Lenox Woodmaster CT

All excellent blades but the RK has equal or better quality and can be resharpened and is the value leader. Another GREAT value is the Woodmaster B.

For green wood I like the green wood blade Highland sells it has a huge amount of set, but it isn't a carbide blade.

Jonathan Spool
12-29-2010, 11:18 PM
Thanks for the link Doug, and by the way, Sam sold me my saw.
Van, I take it that the Lenox blades can't be resharpened then? Pretty expensive blades for being disposable. If that's the case, Then I will be looking at the Laguna for sure.
Funny thing is, is that for years I thought I would be buying a Laguna saw, but all the bad press on their customer service scared me off. I will be putting my driftmaster fence on the new Minimax,
and now it looks like I might be ordering blades from them as well! What's the turnaround for getting a blade sharpened?

Doug Shepard
12-30-2010, 6:42 PM
Thanks for the link Doug, and by the way, Sam sold me my saw.

Interesting. I thought Sam had left Minimax prior to their move from Texas to elsewheres (GA maybe?).