View Full Version : Robust bowl tool rest question.

Dan Forman
12-29-2010, 4:38 AM
Hi folks. In light of the Craft Supplies special tomorrow, I was thinking about getting the Robust bowl tool rests. Those of you who have them, what do you think of them? I have a couple of their straight rests, and love them. What I'm wondering about the bowl rests, is the curve such that they are suitable for a variety of bowl shapes, or do they work best for just one shape?

I guess some are made with a sort of french curve shape that are suitable for deep or shallow bowls. I can't get a very good look at these, so can't tell how they are in that regard. Thanks for your input.


Mauricio Zamora
12-29-2010, 8:04 AM
Dan - you may want to check the local woodcraft in your area. I was visiting my family in Houston and was bored so I headed to the local woodcraft to check it out and was surprised to see them carrying Robust Tool Rests (including the new curved version). The local woodcraft in Charlotte, NC does NOT have them so it's probably a stretch.

In any case, it's worth a shot. I personally don't own one "yet" but I have heard such great things about Robust in general that I can only imagine they are good.

Sorry - hopefully above helps...


Phil Rose
12-29-2010, 9:47 AM
Not adding an answer, but an additional question: I have a Jet 1642 and am wondering which of the Robust rests will fit ... the standard or the low rise? When I saw them in Woodcraft they are clearly two different lengths.

Linda Persoon
12-29-2010, 12:58 PM

Just ordered a 6" Robust "Comfort Tool Rest" for my Jet 1642 from www.woodturnerscatalog.com (http://www.woodturnerscatalog.com) After taking measurements on the 1642, I decided I needed a 3-1/2" post from the options given in the catalog. If I wanted the "Low Profile Comfort Rest" I would have ordered the 5-1/4" post.

Earlier I visited Robust web site and if I remember right, you can order one made with any post length. But I'm thinking the lengths above will work for the 1642. Kinda hate to say for sure until I get the order. 15% off today only.

Hope this helps.

Edit: In the above statement, I made the assumption that your tool rest support was the same as what came with my Jet 1642: 14" rest with rest base 4" heigh with the tool rest post resting 1.5" from the bed ways on the support arm, making the post 2.5" The cross bar height is 3.5". Total height 6, making the minimum height (from bed ways to center) at about 7.5". So when ordering the Robust to fit in my existing 1" tool rest support I was looking for and overall height of about 6". Robust Comfort Rest (not the Low Profile) has a cross bar height of 2.25 high (6" long) and a post option of 3.5" That gives me about 5.75" .

I was only looking at the dimensions of the straight bars. You can find more drawings / dimensions at www.turnrobust.com (http://www.turnrobust.com) for the curved bowl rests.

If your tool rest base supports 1" posts, you can use a similar method of finding the desired post length once you know how far off be bed ways your post will rest.

My goodness, I hope this is helpful.

Phil Rose
12-29-2010, 1:15 PM
Thanks, Linda. I'm concerned because I have the Woodcraft Tool Rest System today (http://www.woodcraft.com/Family/2000391/WOODCRAFT-Lathe-Tool-Rest-System.aspx) and the 3.5" post seems too short (doesn't seem to have enough grip when tightened to make me comfortable), and the 5" is too long (bottoms out before I'm low enough). Interestingly, with the curved attachment the 5" rest works great.

Thom Sturgill
12-29-2010, 7:22 PM
I have the 6" 1n3 12" robust 'Comfort Tool Rests' for my 1642 and they work fine. I had the smaller rests for my 1220 and the rests were the first purchases when I upgraded. In fact I have never used the factory rest!

The LOML bought me the bowl rest for Christmas, but i have not used it yet. It appears to be a set diameter curve and not progressive like a french curve, but I think it will a great benefit on any bowl deeper than I am comfortable with using a straight rest.

Don Alexander
12-29-2010, 7:38 PM
you might want to double check the date of the Craft Supplies special as it appears that it is actually for Dec. 29 which is TODAY :eek:

and of course i didn't notice that your post was 4:28 AM oops

Phil Rose
12-29-2010, 8:59 PM
Thank you, Linda! It was the cross bar height of the Robust rests that I wasn't ever able to find anywhere, and that piece of info makes it all fit for me.

Dan Forman
12-29-2010, 11:14 PM
Well, I went ahead and splurged, so we will see how they work in a few days.

David T gray
12-30-2010, 12:07 AM
i got one also :)

Chip Sutherland
12-30-2010, 11:46 AM
Have them. Love them and will buy 1 or 2 more when I have a need and the funds coincide. Woodcraft has just started carrying them...finally. Unfortunately for my local Woodcraft, I just bought mine at the SouthWest Association of Turner (SWAT) convention this past August in Waco, TX. I bought directly from the Robust guys....I personally witnessed their excellent customer service at SWAT. I think they also sell online.