View Full Version : Cocobolo FireSteel Handle

Tim Thiebaut
12-29-2010, 12:32 AM
Well I didnt get nearly as much turning done the past few days as I had wanted to, between the holidays and my computor crashing 2 days ago....it took me forever to get everything reloaded and to the point where I could get online again. So I have started another small lidded box out of a piece of apple I have. But this is the only thing I have finished the past couple of days, I love the outdoors, and camping/hunting gear, and I love firesteels, so this is my first handle for a firesteel out of cocobolo, I know its small but hope you enjoy looking, Tim

John Keeton
12-29-2010, 6:42 AM
Nice work, Tim. Looks like you drilled and inserted the brass liner after turning the handle. On the next one, you might try drilling the hole first and rough turning. Then insert the brass. After sanding off the excess, you can probably finish turn with the brass in place.

Steve Schlumpf
12-29-2010, 7:37 AM
I've seen a few different things turned since belonging to the Creek and have to admit - this is a first! Nice work - ascetically and functionally! Hope you get some more turning time real soon - and your computer doesn't crash again!!!

Tim Thiebaut
12-29-2010, 8:14 AM
Thanks guys, and your right John, the entire time I meant to drill it before hand, and then it slipped my mind and was left doing it after it was half done...we live and learn!

Lee Koepke
12-29-2010, 8:44 AM
Tim, where did you get the 'kit' for that? I'd like to make something like that for my brother.

Bernie Weishapl
12-29-2010, 10:56 AM
Really nice work Tim. A first for me. I also had a computer crash so had to get a new one and I am still moving stuff. I can get on enough to get my pictures anyway so not a total loss.

Tim Thiebaut
12-29-2010, 12:05 PM
I was fortunate enough that I didnt lose any of my pictures, I was able to reload windows without reformating the drive so I didnt lose anything...this time! But getting everything to work took me forever, I even had to replace my DVD drive to get the windows disk to finaly start as the old drive went out as well, its always something with these computors!

@ Lee - I buy all of my firesteels & Strikers from Firesteel.com, excellent prices on the bare firesteels and the strikers are inexpensive as is. They have all different sizes from 1/8 up to 1/2 in Dia., the one in my picture is 3/8 in Dia. by I think 5 inches long. These throw the BEST sparks of any firesteel I have ever tried, check out the videos on their site and you will see what I mean. Then I just used a left over piece of Cocobolo about 1 1/2 inches square to turn the handle. Hope this helps, if you have any more questions just let me know, Tim

Lee Koepke
12-29-2010, 11:01 PM
I was fortunate enough that I didnt lose any of my pictures, I was able to reload windows without reformating the drive so I didnt lose anything...this time! But getting everything to work took me forever, I even had to replace my DVD drive to get the windows disk to finaly start as the old drive went out as well, its always something with these computors!

@ Lee - I buy all of my firesteels & Strikers from Firesteel.com, excellent prices on the bare firesteels and the strikers are inexpensive as is. They have all different sizes from 1/8 up to 1/2 in Dia., the one in my picture is 3/8 in Dia. by I think 5 inches long. These throw the BEST sparks of any firesteel I have ever tried, check out the videos on their site and you will see what I mean. Then I just used a left over piece of Cocobolo about 1 1/2 inches square to turn the handle. Hope this helps, if you have any more questions just let me know, Timthanks. he spends as much free time as possible kayaking and camping, so I'd like to think it would be of some use to him. Good website, I'll probably work on something for his birthday this march, thanks.