View Full Version : My project that I finished for christmas

Darcy Forman
12-28-2010, 11:42 PM
Just posting some pics of my last project, and the most complex one to date.

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Bill Huber
12-29-2010, 12:07 AM
Very cool looking, I really like the drawer slides, what a neat idea.

Dave MacArthur
12-29-2010, 12:53 AM
Wow, great design Darcy! I love those drawer slides, haven't seen that idea before.

You may want to post "projects" in the "woodworking projects" forum, which is where people look for stuff like this in the future, so it doesn't get lost amidst the zillion masses of posts on the general forum. Hopefully a moderator will move it, this is definitely worth referring to again later!

Fred Belknap
12-29-2010, 7:45 AM
That is cool. I can imagine the accuracy and time involved in getting all that to come together and look that nice. I noticed the splines in the drawers and wonder if they go all the way through. :)

Chris Kennedy
12-29-2010, 9:43 AM
I really like the design. It's really neat.

Don Bullock
12-29-2010, 12:04 PM
That's a very interesting design. I like it.

Chris Ricker
12-29-2010, 8:38 PM
The protruding drawer supports and the handles remind me of Krenov but the open mechanics of the drawer slides are fantastic.
Well done.

keith micinski
12-29-2010, 9:18 PM
I have to laugh because my first thought when I saw this was, wow that is NEAT! Then I read the posts and saw that is everyones feeling apparently. Good job.

Bruce Page
12-29-2010, 9:29 PM
Very unique and well done! What is the intended use?

Darcy Forman
12-29-2010, 9:43 PM
Thanks for the comments. It's intended use is a jewlery chest for my wife at christmas. Not sure if she is crazy about it however. It is fairly heavy. I guess that is why I will need to get a jointer and planner some day. I am a little limited with just a rigid 3650 table saw and a router table as my machinery. As for your question Fred the splines do go all the way through.

Mike Cruz
12-29-2010, 11:33 PM
Darcy, I love the guides and overall appearance. Great design. Not sure if you want critique or not. But I'll give you MHO anyway... ;) This is a very big, bulky, masculine piece...AND I LOVE IT! As a women's jewelery box...well, I can see why your wife may not be crazy over it. Mine wouldn't be either. But agian, I LOVE IT. The only thing that I see that I dont' think "fits" is the top. Somehow it isn't bulky like the rest. It either needed to be thicker or something. I can't put my finger on it. Hope that wasn't overstepping or hurtfull in any way.

That said, I hope you don't mind, but I might steal this design for a future use...not for sale, for personal use... Well done.

Mike OMelia
12-29-2010, 11:52 PM
OK, so I am looking for an "end tables" project when I see this. This is SO cool! Yeah, the actual end tables could not have the flip top, but the coffee table could! I think, in modified form, this could really work for me. You mind if I borrow? Oh, and what is your intended use? I could JUST see the coffee table being a game stow, wine stow, and Humidor!!


John McClanahan
12-30-2010, 7:50 AM
Those drawer slides really caught my eye, too! Nice work.


Belinda Barfield
12-30-2010, 9:33 AM
Like Mike, I LOVE THIS! So if your wife doesn't want it, I have a birthday in February!:D

Darcy Forman
01-02-2011, 8:35 PM
Thatnks for the comments. I got the idea for the drawer slides from a few gallery pics on the Incra web site. I have lots of incra tools, and just love them. Anyways I go to there web site and this is where I got the idea. I really like it so I give it a try. I think the guy that posted on the Incra site was from California.

Dave Mura
01-02-2011, 11:21 PM
Great work! http://www.couponfit.com/stubnew/13e36f06c66134ad65f532e90d898545.gifhttp://www.couponfit.com/stubnew/acff1af62d0f91f4be73f4857552d70c.gifhttp://www.couponfit.com/stubnew/298f587406c914fad5373bb689300433.gifhttp://www.couponfit.com/stubnew/c56a022b15250525f8b9bdfc41a13152.gif