View Full Version : It's begun.....

Jeff Skory
01-06-2005, 10:31 PM
Well, I received a Jet Mini Lathe for Christmas.

I'll say it before you guys do -- PICTURE VIOLATION ! ! !

:rolleyes: I'll do that soon.

Anyway, I have been experimenting a little bit based on reading, watching a couple of videos and using the cheap chisels I got.

Note: I have an grinder but have not bought the appropriate wheel yet, so I am sharpening by hand with some fine sandpaper. Not great but it's ok for the moment.

Anyway, here are the first four pens that I have made as well as one of the three that my son made. Not too shabby.

Still not getting the diameter quite right on the slim-lines...they are a bit too fat near the band.

But I do like the maple pen with the guitar pick for a band. This was a trick I picked up from Dick Sing's book. It allows you to create a fatter body using the SlimLine kit.

I also order $200+ worth of kits and supplies from www.woodturnerscatalog.com. I figured I was going to be running out of pen kits way too fast.

Having lots of fun.

And it all the fault of this group for getting me interested in that darn spinny thing!! :D

btw - I plan on going to the Michigan Association of Woodturners meeting this Sunday to meet some other turners and pick up some tips on how to do work these chisels because I know I'm not doing it quite right.

Jeff Skory
01-06-2005, 10:32 PM
I forgot to ask - where do you guys tend to buy your kits from?

Jim Ketron
01-06-2005, 10:59 PM
Great Job Jeff and son:)
Now your heading down the slipery slope you'll be turning bowls and stuff befor you know it!:D
sent you a PM

Tom Mullane
01-06-2005, 11:00 PM
Two best suppliers for kits are www.arizonasilhouette.com and www.woodturningz.com
Great prices and fantastic service...

Bruce Shiverdecker
01-06-2005, 11:07 PM
Nice pens Jeff. One thing you'll find out about "Slimline" pens. They don't have to be straight along the axis. You can make them larger than the band diameter, by bringing it down to the band diameter at that point.

An example of this can be found in my post "This one's for the Red Hats", on this site.

Bruce ;)

John Shuk
01-06-2005, 11:59 PM
Nice work Jeff. Welcome to the round world. It is alot of fun here.

Ken Salisbury
01-07-2005, 8:25 AM
I forgot to ask - where do you guys tend to buy your kits from?

Berea Hardwoods (http://www.bereahardwoods.com)

Anthony Penchetta
01-07-2005, 9:31 AM
Jeff, nice selection of pens, I like the 2nd from the right the best. :) Good job on your first ones.

I secound Tom's choice for supplies, BB at Arizona Silhouete, great selection of kits, the best burl woods around and a great guy.


Jean Holland
01-07-2005, 7:41 PM
Nice work Jeff. I have bought some of my stuff from Woodcraft and Rockler. They occasionally have sales - that's when I stock up. But I see here that you can get some good deals over the Internet. However, you then also have to include shipping charges and wait for delivery. I'm too impatient! I have been doing most of my shopping in Indianapolis, Indiana. There's a store there that has some nice exotic wood for turning - and at reasonable prices. I have recently relocated (returned) to your area and haven't had a chance to locate any local suppiers yet, so if you find some, please let me know.

I too am planning on attending the Michigan Association of Woodturners meeting this Sunday. I have been out of town at the time of the prior 2 meetings. Like you I am relatively new (been turning for a little over a year) and am looking for all the advice I can get! Maybe I'll see you on Sunday.


Jeff Skory
01-07-2005, 8:04 PM
Thanks for the compliments and suggestions on suppliers. Part of what got me started down this road was a DVD from Bill Baumbeck at Arizona Silhouette that I bought about a year ago. I just couldn't justify a lathe at that time. And yes Bill does seem like a really nice guy having talked to him on the phone when the first DVD did not work.

I will check into the other suppliers before my next order.

Jeff Skory
01-07-2005, 8:06 PM
Anthony, that pen is my current favorite as well. The straight slimline style just doesn't feel quite right in my hand. I have a lot of European style pen kits on their way.

Jeff Skory
01-07-2005, 8:08 PM
I too am planning on attending the Michigan Association of Woodturners meeting this Sunday. I have been out of town at the time of the prior 2 meetings. Like you I am relatively new (been turning for a little over a year) and am looking for all the advice I can get! Maybe I'll see you on Sunday.


Jean, I'll look for you at the meeting. I can fill you in on the stores I know and maybe others there will be able to suggest additional stores that might be closer to you. I'm a bit north of you.

Jean Holland
01-08-2005, 3:52 PM

I am in temporary living quarters (with my mother-in-law) in Dearborn Heights. when my husband finally joins me, we are going to try to secure a place out your way (or maybe further out of the city).

I met another gentleman today in Westland who is a member of the Michigan Association of Woodturners. He said that some members sometimes bring wood to the meetings for other member to have for free. I think that is so nice that they share! He also said they start gathering around 11:30-12:00. Hope to see you there.


Jeff Skory
01-08-2005, 4:13 PM
Thanks for the info Jean. Maybe I'll show up between 12 and 1. I'm definitely going because the method of wielding those chisels around properly does not seem as easy to learn from books and videos as certain other woodworking skills. I'm sure I'll be able to learn a lot from these guys. Not to mention that it should be fun to get together with some other woodworkers. :)

Joe Kelly
01-10-2005, 12:13 PM
Hi Jeff,

My wife and I know the feeling. We didn't own a lathe until Apr 2004. We say an article in our local paper concerning The Freedom Pen Project. We needed a good reason to purchase a lathe and we liked what we saw and took the step. We have been quite busy since the making pens. We have contributed over 300 pens in 2004. That is not much because we are both retired and don't have to punch a clock anywhere or for anyone. It's great. The Freedom Pen Project is great.

Good luck,

Joe and Irmalene Kelly

Jeff Skory
01-10-2005, 7:54 PM
Wow, that's a lot of pens even if you are retired. I don't have that luxury. If I could only win the lottery.... :rolleyes:

After I get a few more pens under my belt I may ask for some kits and help out our guys as well.