View Full Version : box elder bowl

David T gray
12-28-2010, 10:33 PM
i turned this a few days back probably the hardest thing i ever turned no matter what tool i used grain was just destroyed at 10:00 1:00 its about 10x4 when i roughed it out to dry it i didnt have any trouble it turned so easy like most box elder i have done but this ... i ended up just power sanding it off all 3/16th inch of ripout there was really sad :( i gave it to a uncle he didnt seem to mind :( wall thickness is 1/4th blo -> renwax did this xmas morning.

Cody Colston
12-28-2010, 10:51 PM
Nice bowl and great color in that BE.

Now, did you know that punctuation was developed to help make reading the written word as understandable as hearing it spoken?

David E Keller
12-28-2010, 11:10 PM
There's a lot of character in that piece of wood, so it seems like it was worth your trouble. I'll bet your uncle enjoys that one for a lot of years.

tom martin
12-28-2010, 11:48 PM
Beautiful piece of wood Dave. It looks like most of your tearout was in punky spots. I have used minwax wood hardener, CA glue or thinned out laquer to stabalize punky areas prior to finish turning. It should reduce tearout when used with sharp tools and a light touch!
I must confess that I have also resorted to sanding more than I should on some difficult woods!
Your uncle is a lucky man

John Keeton
12-29-2010, 6:31 AM
David, I certainly agree with the others on the beauty of the wood - very nice! The bowl looks a bit out of round. I wonder if perhaps the bowl moving on you contributed to the problem of tearout. It may be that is due to sanding, though.

Lupe Duncan
12-29-2010, 6:45 AM
Looks Good David but I dont know if its my monitor but it looks like there are a pair of eyes looking at straight at me from the back of the bowl. You can see the white of the eyes. I think it may have been the wood spirit in the bowl giving you problems,

Roland Martin
12-29-2010, 7:14 AM
Worth the effort, David. That's a great looking bowl and the wood is gorgeous.

Steve Schlumpf
12-29-2010, 7:23 AM
David - sure is a pretty bowl! Love all the character!

We all get challenging pieces of wood from time to time. The key is to figure out what works as far as tools to use to get the job done. Looks like your use of the 80 grit gouge worked this time around! Your Uncle will love the bowl!

Looking forward to seeing what you turn next!