View Full Version : Upgrade time

Fred Perreault
12-27-2010, 7:36 PM
I have been happily using a Nova 1624-44 for the last 2+ years, and believe that there are potential upgrades to this excellent unit. I have been looking carefully at the Jet 1642-2 EVS, and think that I would like to get one later this season. Does anyone have any knowledge of when these Jet tools might traditionally go on sale?

Jim Burr
12-27-2010, 7:43 PM
I'm in the same mode Fred, so I'll watch this one with interest. Great photo!!!!

James Combs
12-27-2010, 7:45 PM
Yes, you just missed it, probably. There was a good one the first couple weeks of December. For example the 2hp Jet 1642 normal street price is around 2200 but the sale price was 4-600 less. I do not believe it is still going on but might be worth a check. In any case lacking a sale you can always contact Tool-Nut for a fairly good deal.

alex carey
12-27-2010, 8:05 PM
First let me say, sweet lathe stand. Are you sure you wanna to make that small of an upgrade. I think the only big difference between the lathes is the evs. Well, that and the jet comes with a stand but it looks like you've got that covered.

Jake Helmboldt
12-27-2010, 8:11 PM
First let me say, sweet lathe stand. Are you sure you wanna to make that small of an upgrade. I think the only big difference between the lathes is the evs. Well, that and the jet comes with a stand but it looks like you've got that covered.

I'm kind of on board with Alex. I have the Jet and it is a great lathe for the price, but if I were in your shoes I would either a) make a bigger jump to a 3520 or something of that size, or b) convert your Nova to true electronic variable speed. It can be done for a few hundred dollars (at least one thread here shows the modification). That would be much cheaper and you would be in the same ballpark (capabilities-wise) as the Jet.

Richard Madden
12-27-2010, 8:26 PM
I have to agree with Alex and Jake. Not much of a step up...if any.

Dan Hintz
12-27-2010, 8:45 PM

The Jets will typically go on sale near the end of the year (October-Novemberish). They ended the recent sale on the lathes a few weeks ago, and prices will be increasing $200 almost across the board in the new year. Soooo, wait a full year for 20% off a price $200 more than current prices, or get it now for roughly MSRP (some shops can do better for you). In your position, I might take the advice of others and think about a larger upgrade jump, considering the sale issue and all.

Fred Perreault
12-27-2010, 9:43 PM
Thanks all for the input. I am just thinking out loud now, and trolling for information. From my Nova experience, and the brief time on a Jet 1642 EVS 2, I felt that there was a more solid feel and stability in the Jet headstock, ways, tailstock, and toolrest integration and construction. And of course, variable speed is the dream of most belt changers. It is difficult to say how much of that impression is the result of tool envy. :) In the meantime I am comfortably churning out turned items with very few issues on my Nova 1624.
A Happy and Healthy 2011 and Beyond to all...........

Rich Aldrich
12-27-2010, 10:04 PM
Fred - I bought mine last February for about $200 off and free shipping from Amazon. It was shipped direct to me from a warehouse, I believe in Kentucky. It came with free lift gate service. The year before, I saw that lathes tended to go on sale about that time of year.

By the way, it is a real nice lathe, even though I have only turned on one other lathe - a Nova DVR, which is also a nice lathe.

James Combs
12-28-2010, 12:17 PM

The Jets will typically go on sale near the end of the year (October-Novemberish). They ended the recent sale on the lathes a few weeks ago, and prices will be increasing $200 almost across the board in the new year. Soooo, wait a full year for 20% off a price $200 more than current prices, or get it now for roughly MSRP (some shops can do better for you). In your position, I might take the advice of others and think about a larger upgrade jump, considering the sale issue and all.

Just got a current email flier from Wood Craft. They are having a "3000 Hour" "Rewind" sale. It shows the PM still on sale at -600, not sure if it includes all of the Jet equipment though, and it may just be our local store.

Edit: Went back and double checked the flier. It is for just 3 PM pieces, the 3520B Lathe and 2 planners.

Rick Markham
12-28-2010, 3:03 PM
Fred Great pictures... looks like you need one of those shovels they follow the elephants around with at the circus to clean up your shavings :D

Powermatic 3520B! I see a Mustard Monster in your future ;) I LOVE mine!

Fred Belknap
12-28-2010, 3:55 PM
Don't know anything about either lathe.. but my cat would love your shop.:D:D

Alan Trout
12-28-2010, 4:19 PM
I agree with many of the others. I teach on a Jet 1642 and own a DVR XP. I much prefer my DVR. If I was in your shoes I would upgrade to the 3520B. That would last most a lifetime.

Good Luck


Russell Eaton
12-28-2010, 4:37 PM
I bought my 1642 EVS2 from rockler and walked out the door under 1900 and had it shipped to the store. I love mine and the variable speed is real nice. I would have to agree the 3520b would be real tempting.

Kevin Lucas
12-28-2010, 5:47 PM
My wife saw that pic and said on behalf of your wife she says you're fired! She makes me clean up the shavings and shake myself off before I get in the house )

Dan Hintz
12-28-2010, 7:27 PM
What I found amusing was the 500 pounds of shavings with a tiiiiiny little bowl in the chuck.

Mike Willeson
12-28-2010, 7:54 PM
What I found amusing was the 500 pounds of shavings with a tiiiiiny little bowl in the chuck.

Fred apparently started with a full tree between the centers....

Tim Thiebaut
12-28-2010, 8:52 PM
My god thats a LOT of shavings!!

Chris Stolicky
12-29-2010, 11:27 AM

About a year and a half ago I was saving for the 3520b, because it really is a nice machine and a good size. However, in the spring of 2009, Woodcraft had a big sale on all Jet machinery and I was able to get the 1642EVS-2 for roughly half of what the 3520b would cost me. I built a storage chest into the machine for added weight and it has worked out really well. I really like it. Both machines have the same power, albeit the motors look different. One thing I would recommend is to keep in mind that both machines have sliding headstocks. With the metal working I have seen you produce, I am sure you could make your own outboard stand and take advantage of the increased swing.

Good luck.

Linda Persoon
12-29-2010, 12:29 PM

I bought my Jet 1642 on sale at Woodcraft in August - couple of years ago. Added shelf & sand bags. Excellent machine for the price. Done everything I've asked of it, including rough turning large wet blocks of maple. I've also known Woodcraft to extend the sale when ordering if adequate supply and you are willing to pick it up at the store. Doesn't hurt to ask store owner.

Have fun.

Michael Manfre
12-29-2010, 12:30 PM
Looks like you definitely got a lot of usage out of your lathe. Maybe he's turning bedding for livestock instead of making a bowl.

Fred Perreault
12-29-2010, 3:43 PM
Okay, okay....... I cleaned up the shavings, and also cleaned up the rest of the shop. I haven't sprung for a new lathe yet, but I still go to sleep at night thinking about a new unit. I have also thought about painting my gray Nova a clean white, or sick yellow color. Then, I could put an old TV contact tuner assembly (anybody remember those..?) on the front of the Nova and pretend I have variable speed. Or, I could just struggle with an otherwise adequate machine, whine at the wife with increasing frequency, and patiently look forward to the LOML swapping domestic tranquility for a new lathe. :)