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View Full Version : Need Information on Woodworking Clubs

Gregory Myers
12-27-2010, 10:14 AM
This is a great woodworking site to share ideas and projects. I know that there are plenty other clubs out there that share their projects or experiences, but not sure where to look.

I'm currently in the Huntsville AL area and found one local woodcarvers club and would like to find more close by. I can travel up to a couple hours so Nashville, Birmingham, and Chattanooga are other possibilities. So if I can't find one:

1) How do I start one
2) How do I keep interest up?
3) What do typical clubs do?
4) What other resources should I consider?


Matt Meiser
12-27-2010, 11:30 AM
The one I'm a member of was started as a result of a post on another forum looking for a club which quickly grew into a meeting that quickly turned into a club. Everything is very informal, no dues, no official organization, or anything like that. For the most part that has worked well though it has caused growing pains at times too. Namely about 3 years ago we formed a board to oversee everything, plan meetings, etc.

We try to keep a list of ideas for meeting topics and try to do most of that internally--namely getting people from the club to present. We've had outside presenters but not having dues, we don't have a budget so obviously we aren't paying presenters so that doesn't happen often. We've shyed away from manufacturer reps as presenters though the local Stihl rep did a great presentation on chainsaw safety a few years ago that wasn't a blatent sales pitch. Meeting topics and fellowship are what draws people to the meetings. The latter for us draws a small crowd of regulars but the topic can make an obvious difference in the prior. We are lucky in that we have a very generous member who opens his shop to us for meetings and other events allowing us to do real demos when desired.

We also do weekend events around once per month. Weekend events have included shop tours, Toys for Tots builds, more in-depth classes/workshops, and field trips.

Mark Yundt
12-27-2010, 11:41 AM
I'm not a club type of guy, but I do know of some in my area.
One in particular happens to meet at a local Woodcraft store. Seems a likely match. Do you have any similar store in your area that would love to have some carvers meet there , and wander through the store on meeting night?
Keeping interest up I would imagine would be to offer "classes" or demos of popular items or solutions. eg, carving eyes, noses, faces etc. Any local carvers to give advice in these areas or you yourself? Then the ever popular sharpening , tools, wood, design, cutting out designs, reliefs. Simple projects that can be started on meeting night with the finished pieces as show and tell the following month or whenever in addition to whatever else the carvers have to show. And if there seems to be interest in a particular piece, see if the carver would be interested in printing up some patterns, and give steps how he completed it.
If there are any vendors ( wood, tools etc.) in the area, invite them for a little show and tell.
One of the clubs also would get some floor space once a year at a local mall and set up tables and have a contest within the club for ribbons as well as items for display. Sometimes each member donated a piece for auction and donated the proceeds to a local charity or bought books for a common library for members to use.

This, from my experience, is what most clubs seem to do. Google carving clubs and if they have a site, check them out and you can see a list and photos of what they have or will be up to. Write them and see if you can't find out how they started it all for more specific advice. Or maybe there isn't a carving club, but a woodworking club in the area. See if you can't team up with them on their meeting night.
Sorry I can't be more specific, and I only went by what I know about carving clubs,,,but hopefully this will help get the creative juices flowing.

Gregory Myers
12-27-2010, 8:57 PM
Mat and Mark,

Thanks for the feedback. I hope I get interest as Mat says, it comes from people responding from my post, but to be a little more proactive I like Mat suggestion. There are Woodcraft stores about 100 miles away in two different directions; maybe that's the ticket?


Dan Barber1
12-29-2010, 9:33 PM

I live in Pulaski, about 50 miles up the road. Welcome to Huntsville. There's a group called Tennessee Valley Woodworkers, or something to that effect, that meets once a month in Tullahoma, TN, at the Space Institute Campus near the Arnold Engineering Development Center. I just tried to find their web site but my search engine is messed up and I can't verify the name but it's something like that. I've thought about joining them for a couple of years but never have. They do have some good woodworkers and turners in the group and are pretty active as I recall. If you can find the website they have a schedule of activities. You get to Tullahoma by going north to Fayetteville, TN and then through Lynchburg to Tullahoma. Wouldn't want to do it every day but could make it once a month.

Bruce Wrenn
12-29-2010, 10:17 PM
Google "Triangle Woodworkers Association" and see how our club works. We meet monthly, with both local speakers and nationally know speakers doing our programs. We have workshops with both our local and nationally know speakers. In November of we had Kelly Mehler here for a Friday night program, and then a two day workshop on building a table using just one board. Members paid $70 to attend workshop, which is a bargin IMHO.

Andrew Schlosser
12-30-2010, 11:10 PM
Everyone putting their location in their profile helps find local people too! I thought there was supposed to be some kind of search functionality that you could find local people based upon their profile. I haven't looked for it.

Dan Hintz
12-31-2010, 7:40 AM

I believe that's limited to searching for FOTC members...

Gregory Myers
12-31-2010, 9:17 AM

Thanks so much for the information; I'm very excited to find this club! I just looked it up on Google and it's not too far for me; just whip right by Jack Daniels and through the woods and I'm there. I look forward to participating. Maybe I'll see you there...Greg

Gregory Myers
12-31-2010, 9:23 AM
Wow, nice site, and so many links. I guess that is expected from that area with all the furniture making places in NC. I remember buying my first bedroom set in High Point NC; talk about bang for the buck!

I like the way they set up the links to other people or sites.
