View Full Version : How to stabilize this crack?

keith micinski
12-26-2010, 8:35 PM
So, I don't know how this happened but I have done a boat load of work and found this hairline crack in this foot. It is only into the wood about a 16th. The foot is going to end up being almost two inches thick at the point where the crack is so I am thinking maybe I can use something to stabilize the crack to keep it from expanding. What would you guys suggest?

johnny means
12-26-2010, 9:01 PM
I would run a couple of dowels into the end of the tenon and a couple into the joining face where they won't ever be seen. I would position the dowels in such a way as to be closer to the checked face.

Cody Colston
12-26-2010, 10:25 PM
CA glue....

keith micinski
12-27-2010, 12:05 AM
I wondered if that ca glue would work. I'll see if my local woodworking place carries it and give it a shot.

Jim Sebring
12-27-2010, 12:53 AM
Before you squirt the CA in there spritz the area with real thin shellac. That will seal the wood and prevent the dreaded CA staining. It will also sand off easily. I use a mix of 2 parts DNA to 1 part liquid dewaxed shellac in a spray bottle. You can get thin CA at any hobby store.

Tom Rick
12-27-2010, 8:47 AM
I would use epoxy.

You will get gap filling and strength.