View Full Version : Christmas Beech Bowls

David Gilbert
12-23-2010, 6:11 PM
Here are four bowls that I made for presents for this Christmas. Two of them escaped so I couldn't get a group photo like the apple bowls. The beech really moves around even after it has dried a bit. These all had significant spalting that really helped the designs.

I am looking forward to your critiques, comments, questions, etc.

6" x 5.5" wide x 4.5" tall x 1/10" thick (my thinnest one so far!).

10.1" x 9.6" wide x 3.7" tall x 0.3" thick

10." x 9.6" wide x 2.6" tall x 0.27" thick
174901 174902

5.5" wide x 4.6" tall x 0.15" thick

Happy Holidays!

John Keeton
12-23-2010, 7:04 PM
David, you have been in Christmas production mode!! I like the spalting on these - very different. The last one looks very interesting - a side profile would be nice.

James Combs
12-23-2010, 7:09 PM
Very nice but the third one down has fantastic patterns in the grain.

David Gilbert
12-23-2010, 9:07 PM
Thanks for the comments. The beech tree was cut down in May and some of the logs spent the summer spalting in my side yard during the wettest summer we have had in years. Even the ones in my garage started to build up mold within a couple of weeks (even with AnchorSeal).


Here are a couple of pictures. The foot of this one was burnt to darken it. I tried to do the same thing with the lip but the results were poor so sandpaper came to the rescue.

174931 174932


Steve Schlumpf
12-23-2010, 9:27 PM
Nice work on each of your bowls! Sure like the spalting! I like the second bowl - beautiful wood, pleasing form and I really like the soft lip treatment.

Nice! Thanks for sharing!

Ron Stadler
12-23-2010, 9:34 PM
Nice looking bowls David, I'm sure they will be well excepted and what beautiful wood.

charlie knighton
12-24-2010, 3:16 AM
very nice, the last bowl just seem to say "popcorn"

Bernie Weishapl
12-24-2010, 9:16 AM
Really nice looking bowls. I do like the 3rd one. Really nice wood on all.

bob svoboda
12-24-2010, 9:24 AM
Beautiful wood and you definitely did it justice with your turnings. Well done!