View Full Version : Bowls 8,9,10

Rick Markham
12-23-2010, 7:32 AM
Ah the continuation... at this point I have a very good feel for my gouges, time to change up the form a bit... Now it is getting fun... The first two are finished in Tung oil.

Bowl 8: Mora (rice bowl form and size)

Bowl 9: Quina (rice bowl form and size)

Bowl 10: Osage Orange, (I wanted to have a little fun, this one is larger and has a gentle curve from top to bottom, I really like this one)

Thanks for looking Y'all! The next ones will be soon! :D

Edited to add group photo:

Doug W Swanson
12-23-2010, 8:20 AM
What a great variety! I really like the Osage Orange and the burl bowls....

John Keeton
12-23-2010, 8:33 AM
Of this group, the Osage is the favorite, but such a nice array of bowls - different forms and woods! Nice work, Rick.

Roger Chandler
12-23-2010, 8:54 AM
Puttin' the new Mustard Monster through its paces! Nice for sure. You did well all around, especially those deep walled narrow bowls........they always give some trouble with the transition to the bottom.

I would say, that you have been a quick study.............we should see quite a bit of development with you over the next few months!

Rick Markham
12-23-2010, 9:08 AM
The Osage is my favorite too John and thanks again!

Roger, I'm hoping to be able to keep up this pace, I am excited to see what comes farther down the road.

Bernie Weishapl
12-23-2010, 9:18 AM
Really a nice set of bowls Rick. I to really like the Osage. You are on a roll.

Sean Hughto
12-23-2010, 9:43 AM
Great stuff! Really fun to see the whole set and the progression.

Dan Cannon
12-23-2010, 10:00 AM
Great collection, I like these bowls and the variety! I need to get me a bowl gouge so I can start enjoying these kinds of turnings...

Prashun Patel
12-23-2010, 10:09 AM
Jeez, Rick. You don't mess around. I commented on yr #1 b4 seeing these.
Looks like you don't need much help. Love yr progress!

Can't wait to see what you do with ogees, rims and feet!

Mark Hubl
12-23-2010, 11:32 AM
Moving pretty quick here Mr. Rick. Nice assortment. I think you have now turned twice as many bowls as I have. For now I am in the osage camp as well. This will probably change at the rate you are cranking these out.

Art Manansala
12-23-2010, 12:01 PM
I like all 3 bowls - awesome job. How did you finish the Orange osage bowl? What are the sizes?

Thanks for sharing - I'm in the process of doing my first few practice bowls. This gives me inspiration.

Rick Markham
12-23-2010, 5:00 PM
Art, I tried to get a little scale in the group photo with the pencil. The Osage Orange is finished with Shelac, it seems to have worked especially well. It is about 5 1/2" accross and 3" deep. The others are varying sizes the rice bowls 3" to 3 1/2" across and 3"deep, the shallower bowls are 4 to 4 1/2" across and 2" deep.

Art, I highly recommend trying this type of exercise for your first bowls. Doing one a day or (even a number of them) reinforces muscle memory, I found towards the end that some of the aspects that I was struggling with in the beginning that I was automatically adjusting for, kind of a neat process and one I want to continue doing. I'm glad I provide you with some inspiration, now jump in the vortex with both feet! No looking back now!!!

Rick Markham
12-23-2010, 5:05 PM
Thanks Sean! Your "banned by Sony on Youtube" video really helped me get started so thanks! (by the way, being banned on youtube many artists would consider to be a badge of honor)

Ray Bell
12-23-2010, 5:39 PM
You are a quick study Rick, nice work.

Dennis Simmons
12-23-2010, 6:36 PM
All your bowls look good, you might want to consider letting you work set for a few days, so that the patina of the wood sets in. This some times makes a better, and richer finish. I however understand at times one must hurry.

Rick Markham
12-23-2010, 6:41 PM
Dennis, I will make sure I do that in the future, these were under time constraints as Christmas presents, so they got a little "hurried" through that process (which is usually something I take quite a bit of time doing)

Steve Schlumpf
12-23-2010, 9:58 PM
Very nice variety of forms, pretty woods and obviously - a lot of fun! Thanks for sharing the start of your bowl turning adventure!

Tim Rinehart
12-23-2010, 10:53 PM
Great start Rick, truly. It's nice to see that you've got good tool control and have been practicing your gouges. It's amazing how much you'll pick up too by watching some really good turners up close, asking questions, see how they apply their tools to the wood.
As others have said...it's going to be a fun ride for us to see how your work develops.
Have a Merry Christmas...does everyone know what they're getting this year??

Cathy Schaewe
12-24-2010, 4:18 AM
That's a great collection! The osage is especially striking -

joel nucifore
12-24-2010, 5:42 AM
As the Vortex spins it is addicting nothing like seeing the chips fly. Have not turned in a long time went to a friends house and roughed out a bowl like riding a bike it all comes back.
jumping back in the twister this year........if all works out MERRY CHRISTMAS