View Full Version : Bowls 4,6,7 (Christmas presents)

Rick Markham
12-23-2010, 7:20 AM
Ok here is some of the progression, at this point I really "got a clue" about the methodology and this is really the beginning of me comprehending and understanding my bowl gouges, This is when I started seeing growth in my tool control. My undertaking was to do 12 bowls in 12 days. This is a study for me in form, I chose different woods for every single one of them as I also want to expose myself to as many species as possible. Anyone beginning this turning endeavor My personal growth through this has been tremendous and I would highly recommend this exercise... Plus it was a whole lot of fun. (Bowl no.5 bit the dust tonight, I fumbled, and it broke on the floor :()

Finish is pure tung oil on all of these.

First is Canarywood (small bowl) Bowl 4

Bowl 6 is Lacewood (small bowl)

Bowl 7 is Bloodwood (small bowl same form)

Carol Kinney
12-23-2010, 7:33 AM
Very nice work Rick! Someone's going to be very happy with any of those bowls. Gotta love that lacewood!

I might have to try something like you've done but create different forms each day to grow as a turner and artist.

Rick Markham
12-23-2010, 7:42 AM
Carol, I intend to keep doing this, as long as I can. With these I was working on consistency in form, I also intend to try and do a new form daily if possible, I'm hoping to do some finial exercises soon, and work my way to hollow forms. (thats where my interest predominantly lies right now) The changes that I see in my work even in these simple forms makes me want to continue this exercise to see where I can go.

Doug W Swanson
12-23-2010, 8:18 AM

How was the lacewood to turn? I tried making a pen in lacewood and it was not a good experience....

John Keeton
12-23-2010, 8:27 AM
Well, I cheated! I took a look at the next set to get a feel for the progression before commenting on these. I see definite improvement, Rick. You have included a variety of forms, and your tool control seems to be improving, too. Nice work!

Rick Markham
12-23-2010, 8:31 AM
Doug, out of everything so far it was the least fun to work with. I've worked with it before in flat work, turning was an entirely different experience, it wants to tear out badly, sharp tools and light cuts, I had to learn fast. You can feel the difference in the grain patterns, Out of all of the bowls, I think honestly it is the least spectacular, I do really love it in flatwork though.

Greg Just
12-23-2010, 8:34 AM
Very nice. I love the outside of the lacewood.

Bernie Weishapl
12-23-2010, 9:25 AM
Rick I can see a lot of progress with your bowls. Really nice set of bowls and I like the lacewood. I find it difficult to work with but you did well.

gary Zimmel
12-23-2010, 9:36 AM
Nice work on the bowls Rick

Jim Burr
12-23-2010, 10:32 AM
To save a severe lactic acid build up in my fingers:p...Nice job on all those bowls! As you may have gathered from the heat cracks...light pressure and let the paper do it's thing...I still struggle with sanding :(:mad:

bob svoboda
12-23-2010, 10:48 AM
Sounds like a great, methodical approach (and a lot of fun). Nice turnings with some pretty difficult to work with wood-esp. lacewood. Glad to see you are enjoying all your new toys.

Andrew Gibson
12-23-2010, 11:00 AM
Looks like your jumped in with both feet Rick!
I need to do a little turning myself and see if I can come up witha desigin I like for my project. I may still give you a call in a couple weeks, 2 heads are better then one.

Mark Hubl
12-23-2010, 11:00 AM
Nice work Rick. They will make good gifts.

Rick Markham
12-23-2010, 4:21 PM
Thanks again guys! Andrew, when ya get started send me a design and I can practice a bit. I am going to try and work on some spindle work the next couple of weeks, try and start getting a good feel for a few of my other tools, it sounds like a challenging project.

Jim, that bloodwood bowl had some cracks present in the blank, those were the ones that were what was left over, pretty sure there wouldn't have been much bowl left if I turned them out. Luckily I made a few extra bowls, so I am going to keep that one and watch what happens with it over time, someone will get one of the uncracked bowls. I found it pretty interesting that some of the seemingly check/crack free blanks, weren't all that check/crack free. As you all know... ya never know exactly what you are going to find inside a hunk of wood.

Steve Schlumpf
12-23-2010, 9:54 PM
Rick - looks like you are progressing quite well with your turnings! All the bowls look pretty good! Only suggestion at this point would be to pay attention at the transition area where the wall meet the bottom of the bowl. I can see either tear-out or more than likely - compressed wood from rubbing the bevel with too much pressure. Hard to tell from the photos - so if I am wrong - fine. Just wanted to draw your attention to it.