View Full Version : Help...finished chair wobbles

Roger Bullock
12-21-2010, 10:44 AM
First of all I would like to thank SMC Bill Huber for the design help on this table and chair set that I have just finished for my granddaughter. Or I guess I should say both sets. My daughter requested I make a table and set of chairs to go with a kitchen set she is giving our granddaughter for Christmas. Since this set will be going home with her LOML said we would need to have a set for our house too. She mentioned something about not being able to have a proper tea party without our own set.

Once inside from the shop, I noticed that one of the chairs has a slight wobble to it. How have any of you successfully removed the wobble from a chair?

Stephen Cherry
12-21-2010, 11:13 AM
Nice set!!!

I've seen fixtures on the furniture factory auctions that place a saw blade in the same plane as a table top. Three legs on the table, one through the blade.

I've done something similar, three legs on a table, mark the long one from the table top and sneak up on the line with a belt sander.

Rick Pettit
12-21-2010, 11:31 AM
I stick some self adhesive tape on my tablesaw top and move the offending leg back and forth over it until there is no more wobble.

Bill Huber
12-21-2010, 11:46 AM
I like the legs and the apron, they look much better then the ones I did. The kids will love it and use the heck out of it I am sure.

On the wobble problem, I do about the same thing as Rick, the difference is I have some 3/4" MDF with sandpaper spray glued to it. As Rick stated I just work the long leg on the sandpaper to get it to match the others.

I can not see from the pictures but did you put a chamfer on the bottom of legs of the table and chairs? I found out the hard way that you need to. The first set I made got a chuck of wood pulled off when pulled across the carpet.

Neil Brooks
12-21-2010, 12:13 PM
Agreed: Beautifully done !

On a recent wine cabinet project of mine, I simply tapped in some nylon furniture glides, and -- on the slightly shorter corner -- put a flat washer in, first.

I liked the idea of the glides, anyway. For chairs, I think they're something just short of a 'must.'

So ... extend one or reduce three :)

Mike Hollingsworth
12-21-2010, 12:57 PM
I have a box mounted on the wall above my 6x89 belt sander. 3 legs go on the box, the offending leg gets sanded. It only takes a smidgeon. For some reason, if I try to sand two legs, all heck breaks loose and the belt gets shreaded.

Roger Bullock
12-21-2010, 1:15 PM
Thanks for the comments and suggestions. Bill I did round over the bottoms of the chairs. I to have found if you don't, it can be a problem. Oh by the way, I posted the complete oak set of photos in the Finished projects forum.

Roger Bullock
12-22-2010, 8:25 AM
I took the chair with the wobble back out to the shop, glued down some sand paper to the bench top and sanded the long leg to get it level. Thought I had better post another photo to help show the scale of this set.

Chuck Gallup
12-22-2010, 8:36 AM
How have any of you successfully removed the wobble from a chair?

Gosh, evidently I've approached this problem from the wrong end all my life!
A pointy end of a framing hammer to the floor does work......but sanding off the soft foot? Whodda thought.

(beautiful work!)