View Full Version : Need Recommendation on Router Table Switch

Ken Robb
01-05-2005, 1:59 PM
I've been using a table mounted router for years and use to just reach under the table to turn it on/off. Now the router is mounted inside a downdraft box and I need an external switch. I'm debating between a switch mounted on the side of the box or a foot switch. Has anybody ever used a foot switch. Also which is better the on/off type or the momentary type? Your recommendations are appreciated.



Zahid Naqvi
01-05-2005, 2:32 PM
I just installed a hand switch on my router table, I like it because I know exactly where it is and can switch the router on or off without taking my eyes away from the router or work piece. Never worked with the foot switch.

Dave Wright #2
01-05-2005, 2:46 PM
I was pretty happy with this setup until I got rid of the saw. Maybe I should have built it somewhere other than the saw extension wing...then I'd still have it. The Borg has the parts.


Tyler Howell
01-05-2005, 2:48 PM
Hey Ken,

Per a recomendation from Creeker Chris P. I installed 2) 3way switches on my Router table (with switch guards) so I could operate it from anywhere on the table.
Works great.

Lewis Mills
01-05-2005, 2:51 PM
I use this one from Rockler. It's very similar to the switch on my table saw, and I've got it mounted off to the left and just under the tabletop -- just like the table saw. Now reaching over and turning the router on and off is exactly the same motion as turning on and off the saw. Works for me!

Tyler Howell
01-05-2005, 2:53 PM
[QUOTE=Dave Wright #2]I was pretty happy with this setup until I got rid of the saw.
Hey Dave,
I couldn't get rid of the saw. No one wanted my poor old Cman so I kept it as a router/work table and maybe dedicated dado saw some day.

Jack Diemer
01-05-2005, 3:05 PM
I use a $0.50 switch that is mounted on the side of my router table. Its hooked up to a $0.50 receptable (mounted inside the router table) that is attached to a $2 extension cord (one end cut off) that I plug into the wall. Never had a desire for anything fancier.

David Wilson
01-05-2005, 5:17 PM
Whatever switch you decide on, don't trust it. Alyways unplug the router or table before changing or adjusting bits. I have a fused thumb to remind me and you don't want one of them.

George Summers
01-05-2005, 5:21 PM
I used a switched outlet from the big box (about $5-$6 if I remember right). The router cord runs from inside the cabinet so I can plug/unplug it to work on bits etc. The power cord runs from the outlet box to the wall. A side benefit is that I can use the outlet for other tools when needed.



Chris DeHut
01-05-2005, 6:14 PM
Hi Ken,

While I have used many different types of "remote" switches for my router table, I now prefer the paddle type that you can bump with your knee to turn the machine off. Having this on the table saw (Delta Unisaw), I have long since trained my knee on what to do when something isn't right.

A foot switch needs to be "Searched for" if it isn't attached to the floor. A simple light switch also can be a problem in that you have to use a hand to turn the machine off. When problems arise, I like to have both of my hands available to deal with problems if needed which is why I like those paddle switches you can hit with your knee.

I believe the last one I purchased was from Sears for about $15.00 or so. By about the third time I used it, my knee was trained what to do and where to hit it. Even on the table saw, I can't recall the last time I turned it off with my hands, it's always my knee.


Terry Hatfield
01-05-2005, 6:57 PM
Personally I like the foot switch. I've had one on my table for a long time and I'm sold on it. I mounted it on a piece of mdf. It doesn't move around with the bigger base on it. It was approx. $20 from Sears.

<IMG SRC="http://www.terryhatfield.com/fs2.jpg">

The unit hangs on the end of the router station when not in use.

<IMG SRC="http://www.terryhatfield.com/nrs14.jpg">


Mike Kelly
01-05-2005, 9:52 PM
I have used a foot switch for about 15 years now. I got it from Woodhaven and it is heavy and momentary in action. You take your foot off and the motor quits. I have switches on all four corners of my table and have never used them. Thought it was a good idea at the time, but the foot switch was better. You can see from the picture that the foot switch plugs into the outlet on the left side and the router plugs into it. It is easy to unplug the router when changing bits etc.