View Full Version : PinOak HF

Ron Stadler
12-20-2010, 6:42 PM
Second attempt at a small HF, first one I broke the neck on it. This one measures 3 3/8" tall by 3 1/8" wide. Spray on Lacquer finish and then buffed out with paste wax.

Dennis Ford
12-20-2010, 6:43 PM
Nice form.

Richard Madden
12-20-2010, 6:46 PM
Congrats on getting this one finished! Got some pretty grain there, looks good. What's next?

David E Keller
12-20-2010, 7:02 PM
Form and finish look good.

Michael James
12-20-2010, 7:26 PM
Second attempt at a small HF, first one I broke the neck on it.

Ron, nice job! Breaking the neck has not prevented me from dragging the wood to completion so far.:cool: As mentioned, form and finish look good from here!
Keep em coming and thanks for posting.

Ron Stadler
12-20-2010, 7:45 PM
Well I plan on make a finial for this tomorrow, but I have a question for everyone. The base is small on these hf's that one little knock and they would tumble over, so are you supposed to put these on some kind of base or stand of some sort?
Thanks for all comment guys, good or bad.

Mark Hubl
12-20-2010, 8:04 PM
Looks good. Form and finish are nice. One of the wonderful games is seeing how small the base can be without the tumbles. I like to make it a third the max diameter to around the size of the top hole. Also on shapes like this I leave a little fat down in the bottom to help balance it. Doing this also seemed to help me stop making funnels!

John Keeton
12-20-2010, 8:09 PM
Ron, this one looks very good, and it sure is a petite thing!! Can't tell that from the pic, and that is a good thing. Count me in the camp of those that do not care for the itsy, bitsy bottoms on these forms. This one looks a little smaller than suits me - but, keep in mind that I am in the gross minority on that!

charlie knighton
12-20-2010, 8:42 PM
very nice, i like the view in the 1st picture, oak is one of the woods where you can see summer and winter growth rings and the grain running in the opposite direction. you will have to make your own deceision on the foot, but you have plenty of lift with only 3 inches wide, i like them without a pronoused foot, but to me a cove is better than a bead on a foot. i hope it does not crack any more, but oak is prown to do.

dan carter
12-20-2010, 8:52 PM
So far, so good. It came out very good. A tallish finial will take it a step higher; but I would not put it on a short base, with that said, a stand (base) wouldn't hurt. I would guess it depends on if you want a chalice hf as your end product or a vase hf as your end product. Either will work well.

Don Alexander
12-20-2010, 9:03 PM
but, keep in mind that I am in the gross minority on that!

i am in the even more gross minority on that one :eek::D:D:D