View Full Version : Holiday Gifts

Rob Holcomb
12-20-2010, 6:06 PM
Here is a picture of the gifts I've made for family and friends this holiday season. The Confetti lights are all made from Black Walnut and have a friction polish finish.

I made 29 Click pens but gave 8 of them to friends who were in town a couple of weeks ago, before I took the picture. The pens are made from Cherry, Black Walnut, East Indian Rosewood and South American Satine (Bloodwood).

The Wine Rack, Glass stems and Bottle Stopper are all Black Walnut. The glass stems and Stopper have a Friction Polish and the Rack has a gloss Poly finish.


Jon Prouty
12-20-2010, 6:15 PM
Really nice - amazing to give a gift that you invested your time and talent in.


David E Keller
12-20-2010, 7:07 PM
That looks like a lot of work, Rob... I'm sure it will be appreciated.