View Full Version : First Christmas Presents

Jarrett Sadowsky
12-19-2010, 7:35 PM
Spent the last couple of weekends making Christmas presents. I had quite a long list when I started, and after reality set in I shortened it twice.

Made 6 biscuit cutters after seeing a post earlier this year. Turning the top would have been a lot easier if I had a vacuum chuck...maybe next year. ;) Ended up using a piece of all thread through the spindle holding the piece on through the "air hole". Finished with danish oil.


Have been making a few pens lately as well. These three are Jr. Gentlemen II fountain pens from CSUSA. The one on the left is almond. The one in the middle is deer antler. The one on the right is a combination of the almond and deer antler. The cap also has a deer antler accent. This is my favorite one with the all antler a close second. They were finished with 20 coats of CA and micro meshed to 12,000.


Rich Aldrich
12-19-2010, 9:16 PM
Nice work. I really like the pens.

Baxter Smith
12-19-2010, 9:33 PM
Nice job on all. Interesting design on the biscuit cutters. I just made a couple out of one piece of wood following a design posted by Allen Neighbors. I don't remember seeing the one you copied.

Jarrett Sadowsky
12-20-2010, 12:29 AM
Nice job on all. Interesting design on the biscuit cutters. I just made a couple out of one piece of wood following a design posted by Allen Neighbors. I don't remember seeing the one you copied.

I kind of made up the design as I worked. The wall got too thin on the first one I made so I beefed up that area on the rest. The detail in the top was an attempt to smooth out the tennon I used when turning the inside. Man that vacuum chuck would be nice!!

John Keeton
12-20-2010, 6:47 AM
Jarrett, looks like you did get a good start on the list - don't shorten it too much! Nice work on both the biscuit cutter and the pens. Little hard to see detail because of the size of the images. I might suggest you post larger pics, but compress them to about 60-70% to get within the max. file size limits. They will be much easier to view. With the dark background, you could probably go 1024 x 800, compressed to 70%, and that should get you about right. Lots of free software out there for image modification - FastStone Image Viewer 4.2 (http://www.faststone.org/) is one that Steve Schlumpf recommended, and it works great.

Roland Martin
12-20-2010, 7:25 AM
I have to agree with John on the size of the pics, but otherwise nice turnings. Picture quality is a shortcoming for me, I've certainly got a long way to go on that.

Steve Schlumpf
12-20-2010, 4:27 PM
Nice work on all the gifts Jarrett! I am sure everyone will appreciate that they were created by you!

Lots of info on vacuum chucks available here on SMC - just do a search to find lots of options!

Jarrett Sadowsky
12-20-2010, 10:34 PM
Thanks for the photo sizing tip John. Here are the larger pictures.
174591 174589
174588 174590