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View Full Version : not a Christmas story just a thank you

Adam Orton
12-18-2010, 2:39 PM
Like the title says it's not a Christmas story but it is mine. 3 1/2 years ago on a beautiful Monday morning riding my brand new Harley to my job I loved (it's like a fairytale) a cabbie decided to run me over. I was damaged beyond what they thought I would live through but more important was the catastrophic brain injury with damage to all four sides of the brain. Well it's years later and I was left with some odd learning disabilities, one being the loss of some of my vocabulary making searches difficult when looking for the right word but I keep trying and I usually find what I am looking for and that is where the thank you comes in. I don't think, no I am sure my past year of lasering would have been harder by ten fold, your shared information, your pics and occasional samples have been the base of my laser education. I just made the Eiffel Tower so I could have a WOW factor display and thanks for that sample it's incredible. I think I am floundering here a bit but from the bottom of my heart I wish you all a sincere thank you I couldn't not have made my little trinkets without your guidance.
This is the time of year to give thanks and I think that can take many different forms and today it's taking the form of a sincere thanks at a laser engraving forum. Have a safe holiday and I wish the best to you and your families.

again thank you
Adam Orton of London Ontario Canada..

Frank Corker
12-18-2010, 5:16 PM
Nice one Adam, you've found the right words here mate.

Adam Orton
12-18-2010, 6:08 PM
Frank know that we have a similar set up so I keep a close eye on your suggestions and advice..

Jim Good
12-19-2010, 4:25 AM
Adam, what a horrific event you went through 3.5 years ago. I'm glad you fought through it and I'm especially glad you are here (on earth and on this forum).

Have a Merry Christmas and an awesome 2011.


Mike Null
12-19-2010, 8:07 AM

I agree with Frank. You said it about as well as could have been said.

Thank you for a very kind and thoughtful message.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year