View Full Version : Finally Getting the Shop Organized

Don Bullock
12-18-2010, 11:37 AM
It's been a long time since my last posts on my shop. The actual construction was completed a couple of years ago. Between then and now we had to prepare one house for sale, get the new house ready for us and all our dogs and move. All of that, especially all the carpentry projects kept me too busy to get the shop organized. Now, all the "must do" list has dwindled and I have had some time to work on the shop.

The actual building was done by Tuff Shed and was chronicled here on SMC.


Much of the actual construction can be seen on my website.


While I had mounted my lumber racks early on to get the wood off the floor I realized that they were about two inches too low. Recently I was able to finally remount them.


I also was able to mount my clamp racks. Again I did it the hard way. I attached one of the racks to the wall studs. There wasn't any room on the wall for the second rack because of the predrilled holes in the rack and the placement of the studs. As I was contemplating a solution to the problem I noticed two pieces of solid 4/4 ash that I used as extensions to a dining room table that I made many years ago. The table is now used in the shop as an assemble table and I don't need the extensions. I cut one extension in half and mounted the racks to it. The ash was then easily mounted on the wall with lag bolts into the studs.


While not "officially" part of the shop, I also finished the garage wall storage.

Don Bullock
12-18-2010, 11:44 AM
I forgot to add the picture of the view through the shop's front windows.:D


Paul McGaha
12-18-2010, 3:09 PM
I really like your shop Don.

It looks to be about twice the size of a 2 car garage (which makes it twice the size of my shop). I like the inside and the outside of it. Interior lighting looks really good.

My wife and I are both 53 years old. We are thinking of maybe building one more house in about 10 years. If we do I am planning on building a shop very similar to yours at that time.

Congratulations. Just super nice shop.


Don Bullock
12-19-2010, 12:50 PM
Paul, thanks for the complements. I'm very excited tat It's finally getting to the point where I can use it for its intended purpose. The interior lighting is four rows of fluorescents with a total of 32 4' tubes on the shop end. On the garage side I have four hanging double tube "shop lights." There is already some task lighting and I plan to install more soon. Hers's a better shot of the shop space and the overhead lighting:


The building is 24' x 30'. I really like the extra depth over most garages (my previous garage was 19'). As can be seen the the garage side picture, that extra depth provides room at the front of the car to move around or to work on the car. If I had the space I would have made it even wider. Building code requires the building to be at least 10' from the house and 10' from the propane tank (that green thing in the outside view). I chose to create an 11' distance on both sides to prevent the possibility that the inspector might measure things differently.

Bruce Page
12-19-2010, 2:34 PM
Don, that's a beautiful space!

glenn bradley
12-19-2010, 4:20 PM
How funny; when I opened the thread and saw the pic I thought "that looks like Fallbrook". I forgot that's where you live ;-) I used to live in Vista and my folks moved from Fallbrook down near Carlsbad almost 30 years ago (wow, has it been that long?). The shop is really coming along and I'm sure it will bring you lots of happy hours to come.

paul dyar
12-19-2010, 9:57 PM
Lots of luck. I have been trying to get my shop organized for 20 years.

Roger Bullock
12-20-2010, 11:41 AM
Nice shop, you are going to really enjoy it. An organized shop for me is a dream I wish to accomplish someday. :)