View Full Version : More Christmas Stuff...Rude's Candlesticks...Almost

Wally Dickerman
12-15-2010, 4:07 PM
Over the years Rude Osolnik turned hundreds of sets of these Candlesticks. They still bring a good price on Ebay. Saw some for $600 a set.

These walnut candlesticks aren't quite as slim waisted as Rude's but close. I added my own touch with beads at the 1/3rd point. The tallest is 11 inches. I bored a hole 4 inches into the bottom and added lead shot for better balance. Turned walnut plugs which are almost not visible.

I ground a 1 in. spade bit to the shape of the bottom of a candle. I used to sell a lot of candlesticks.


Ken Hill
12-15-2010, 4:13 PM
Pretty slick! Great job I like them alot.

Jim Underwood
12-15-2010, 4:40 PM
Those are gorgeous Wally.

charlie knighton
12-15-2010, 7:18 PM
very nice, Wally

David E Keller
12-15-2010, 7:46 PM
Very nice. After seeing a photo of some of his candle sticks, this has been a favorite style for me... You've done it justice.

John Keeton
12-15-2010, 7:58 PM
Wally, you did those curves like you may have done a few.....hundred, thousand, or so!!! Those are very sweet!

Ray Bell
12-15-2010, 9:06 PM
Very nice Wally.

Bernie Weishapl
12-15-2010, 9:26 PM
Beautiful Wally. Really nice pieces.

Baxter Smith
12-16-2010, 12:05 AM
They are very pretty both in wood and form. Wally, I am not quite sure from the picture so I will ask a question I have been wondering about when it comes to making sets of three of anything. These are obviously of different heights. Are they also of different diameters? If so, is the ratio of diameter to height the same for all? With experience, one might be able to eyball it to close enough, but as a beginner I would need to measure. Thanks.

Wally Dickerman
12-16-2010, 9:51 AM
They are very pretty both in wood and form. Wally, I am not quite sure from the picture so I will ask a question I have been wondering about when it comes to making sets of three of anything. These are obviously of different heights. Are they also of different diameters? If so, is the ratio of diameter to height the same for all? With experience, one might be able to eyball it to close enough, but as a beginner I would need to measure. Thanks.
The 3 diameters are the same on each of them. The top is a bit smaller in dia. than the bottom for better balance in form. I believe in the "rule of thirds" for good form, so the beads, the narrowest part, are 1/3rd from the top. Rude was a good friend and I have watched him turn candlesticks like these. He told me that when his sons were going to college, he would get up early and turn a bunch of them before going to work. Helped pay his sons tuition. Rude (pronounced Rudy) was head of the industrial arts dept. at Berea College in Berea, Ky.


David Reed
12-16-2010, 10:08 AM
Very nice turnings. I especially like the smooth curves and the symmetry you have produced with the varying height of each.

Mark Hubl
12-16-2010, 11:41 AM
Very nice Wally. I think your candlesticks look great.

John Coloccia
12-16-2010, 12:12 PM
Very elegant. Nice. I may try to copy those for my own home. Don't worry. There's next to no chance I'll actually pull off a copy. :D

Steve Schlumpf
12-16-2010, 12:44 PM
Beautiful work Wally! I see the inspiration but these are definitely yours! Very classy looking! Thanks for sharing!