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View Full Version : Carbide Cutter Replacement

Buck Williams
12-15-2010, 9:23 AM
Can anyone recommend a place that could replace a carbide cutter tip on an Amana rail and stile router bit. Happened to drop the bit on a concrete floor and chipped one of the teeth on the tongue cutting bit. I checked with Amana and they don't sell replacement components for that bit set. It's basically just a beefed up wing cutter, but I can't get it separately. I'd assume that there's a service out there that could duplicate the carbide profile of the tooth and replace it, I'm just not sure where to go. Thanks

Philip Rodriquez
12-15-2010, 10:31 AM
Check with a local sharpening service. I know they can replace teeth on a sawblade...

Jay Jeffery
12-15-2010, 2:38 PM
Have tried just replacing it with a wing cutter with the right kerf thickness? A tongue and grove cutter might be a source of some parts, too. The tongue won't show so absolute premium carbide shouldn't be as important as the other parts.

Buck Williams
12-16-2010, 7:26 PM
I think the carbide replacement needs to be an exact match to the other three carbide cutters. There are two teeth on the bottom, a gap for the tenon and two teeth on the top cutter. If the replacement tooth doesn't exactly match the bottom cutter's teeth, the shoulders of the tenon will be off and won't match up, could leave a gap. Maybe that kind of precision in duplicating carbide teeth just isn't available. I'll probably have to spring for a new set.