View Full Version : My Ship has come in (with Bandsaws)

David Castor
12-14-2010, 7:09 PM
The ship is in a little early, I guess, and my new bandsaw (Grizzly 513X2) will be here tomorrow - a few days ahead of schedule. (Now I have start working on installing my new subpanel and receptacles.)

Any advice/suggestions on what to look for in terms of shipping damage and how to note it on the acceptance form if necessary? I don't have much experience with freight deliveries.



Don Bullock
12-14-2010, 7:15 PM
David, congratulations on your pending delivery. Most drivers are very good about giving people time to open the crates and check carefully for any damage. First look for obvious damage on the crate(s). If you don't see any check for bent parts and cracks in the iron. Just remember to take lots of pictures, especially if you see any damage. You'll also need to post some pictures on SMC. Without pictures it didn't happen.

eugene thomas
12-14-2010, 8:50 PM
i bought the 513 in june and was preatty easy to see if any damage. comes on wooden pallet with really brittle board frame around the saw. think if any damage would see some breakage in the boards. infact when i was removing the boards the box that has the table in fell on the concreat. no harm done but was a few tence minutes till removed the cardboard to inspect..

Dave Lehnert
12-15-2010, 12:32 AM
I use to work on a receiving dock. Don't be afraid to write on the bill. If the box has just a nick on it "Write it down" Gives Grizzly a chance to file for shipping damage if any is found. Look for square holes in the crate. Forks on a lift can and will do a lot of damage.

David Castor
12-15-2010, 11:26 AM
Thanks, guys. I hadn't thought about taking photos of any damage - I'll have to see if I can find my wife's camera.

Van Huskey
12-15-2010, 11:54 PM
As others have said note ANYTHING on the bill, without it Grizzly will be behind the eight ball and possibly you as well. You need the camara to "prove" it is there, you know us "no pics, didn't happen".

Matt Meiser
12-16-2010, 8:04 AM
I've heard the advise before to note things on the bill, but before you start writing, talk to the driver. When I received my edge sander via UPS Freight the box was pretty beat up and he practically tackled me for starting to write that down. He said he had to call it in and he had to write it. He used my wording but he did the writing. Probably some stupid union thing, but before you tick off the driver like me, ask if needed.

By the way, despite the box being beat up, the sander was perfect.

Enjoy the BS. I put that on my Christmas list but I'm pretty sure I wasn't that good. :)

Dave Lehnert
12-16-2010, 4:19 PM
No wonder the UPS guy never gave me a calendar every new year.:rolleyes:

David Castor
12-16-2010, 5:51 PM
The bandsaw arrived in good shape. The FedEx driver was a good guy - helped me look it over and even told me where the vulnerable spots were (motor, ON/OFF switch). He did not have too many good things to say about the quality of the packaging. But the crate was intact, the plastic was intact and I couldn't find a mark on anything so all I did was sign on the dotted line. Also, the pallet is too small for their pallet jack, so he had to use a hand truck. I got the mobile base on last night - now I just have to figure out how to get them both off the pallet base 8-). And re-wire the garage, of course.

glenn bradley
12-16-2010, 6:22 PM
(Now I have start working on installing my new subpanel and receptacles.)

Now you have to start??? I would have started before I placed the order ;-)

Congrats from another happy 513X owner.

Jim Andrew
12-16-2010, 9:20 PM
Grizzly makes a note on the order to note any damage to packing on the receipt. My sander had a broken board on the crate, and the driver noted it on the receipt. The sander was fine.