View Full Version : Weekend Doin's-Early

Bob Lasley
04-10-2003, 12:04 PM
Greetings All,

Since I am leaving early in the morning for Arkansas enroute to Indiana for the big shindig, I thought I would post this now lest I forget to.

So, what's everyone up to this weekend? I hope many of you will be at Ray's for the End-of-Pond party as I am really looking forward to meeting all who can make it. For those of you who can't make it, we'll just have to try again.

Have a great weekend all and let the sawdust fly, preferably into the dust collector! ;)


Ron Taylor
04-10-2003, 12:17 PM
On vacation starting noon today, so taking the Freightliner and heading to the left coast. Destination Seattle, then probably California somewhere. Back in Alabama by Friday or Saturday.
Then on down to Miami and back by Sunday.

See yall at the end of next week.

Steve Clardy
04-10-2003, 12:31 PM
Probably will be finishing up a cabinet job, working in the garden, etc.
You all that do go, MAKE SURE KEN SALISBURY does not take any matches with him. You know how he is, especially with TV stations that don't broadcast his favorite ballgames.

Steve:D :D :D

Jim Baker
04-10-2003, 1:26 PM
All we will get done is going to Ray's place in Indiana and stopping at the In-Laws on the way home. We are looking forward to meeting everyone.

Mike Evertsen
04-10-2003, 1:37 PM
might go to the woodworking show in villa park,,,,,or just work in the shop

Von Bickley
04-10-2003, 1:44 PM
Making plans to get in some shop time. Refinishing a small antique table for LOML.
For all you guys that are going to the big shindig, I hope ya'll have a good time and a safe trip.
Don't let Ken drink too much.

Jay Kilpatrick
04-10-2003, 3:14 PM
...and heading to Indy. I'm not planning on bringing much, but I'm sure my brain and belly will be full before I leave. Lookin' forward to it!:D

Tom Sweeney
04-10-2003, 3:20 PM
If you read my last weekend doins post you'll see that I was worried about aching joints from doing some home repair stuff in cold rainy weather.

Well It's pretty bad when you can predict getting hurt. I threw my back out on Saturday & have been in pain since. It's just starting to feel a little better so hopefully by Friday I'll be good to go.

It's rough getting old ;) - Actually I'm not old but as I say - It's not the years it's the miles. :rolleyes:

Anyway hopefully cleaning up the shop a little more, gluing up a cutting board, finish swapping the motor on a drill press & doing some tune up / maintenance work on my table saw & jointer.
Might get a little yard clean up in but I don't want to push it.

Or I might scrap all the above & tune up my truck.

I'll have to see if I can get my little portable TV to work out in the shop so I can watch the masters while cleaning & working on the machines :D - 'Course if the back isn't better I'll just sit on the recliner & watch the masters all weekend :)

D.McDonnel "Mac"
04-10-2003, 3:38 PM
I'm starting my weekend early by takiing tomorrow off! Before going to Ray's EOP Picnic Friday night preview I'll work in the shop putting the doors (inset) in a mission bookcase I just reglued Tuesday. This is that project that never seems to get finished.... you know the one.... gets started and then shuffled into the corner .... for .... 3 or 4 or 5 years!! I started this back in 1996 or 1997 on my old Shopsmith. Now I have new tools and a new shop so I decided it was time to finish it. It was actually glued up once before but after I checked square on the carcas I moved it out of the way and somehow it got way crooked! Sawed it apart the next day, re machined the parts to accomodate the new slightly narrower dimension and promptly put in the corner again! I have a couple of little mission side tables in the same boat that I may pull out and finish too, just to clear out that corner of the old shop in the basement!

Looking Forward to meeting all the Ponders & Creekers & Islanders I haven't met before! Should be a great time Friday and Saturday!

If anyone wants to stop by Friday on their way through Indy to Anderson just call me on 244-6008, I'm in Speedway a stone's throw from the Track.

Dennis Peacock
04-10-2003, 4:03 PM
Well....I leave early this evening for Springdale, AR to camp at Terry's place (3 hour drive) and then when Lasley shows up tomorrow morning, the Arkies and the Okie will be in route to a place "WAY UP NORTH" to Ray's place for the EOP Gathering.
According to mapquest it is about an 11 hour drive from Springdale, AR.......We will be leaving the Indy area on Sunday morning headed back to AR. I will stay over at Terry's place again Sunday night (depending on what time we get in from Indy) and then drive home Monday morning.

I ain't as young as I used to be and driving takes a LOT out of me these days. Had to spend $300 getting the Suburban ready to make the long trip and got it out of the shop yesterday. Should be ready to go for now.

See those of you that can make it at the gathering. To the others that can not make it.......you WILL be Missed.!!!!

Clear the roads..!!!!! We are a comin'...!!!!!

Scott Coffelt
04-10-2003, 4:21 PM
The doc says I have to stay out of the shop for a week or so since my asthma is acting up. I can't wait till I get my Dust Eliminator installed. I was hoping on finishing up a honey do getting the second of two NYW Adirondac chairs assembled I milled last weekend.

So it looks like I get to be outside and enjoy the 70-80 degree weather instead. Probably wash out the garage and get the last reminents of winter out of there.

Phil Phelps
04-10-2003, 5:46 PM
:( but know I'm paintin' the house. I mean really painting. :o Tomorrow is GOLF. I'll work the weekend but, Friday I'm playin' golf and then watchin' the Masters inbetween rounds of painting.

Ken Salisbury
04-10-2003, 6:34 PM
It should be obvious to everyone by now what I will be doing this weekend.

Plans are to leave at 4:30 am, stop at General Industrial Supply in Nashville and pick up a Jet Mini lathe stand (Rick Warren will have someone there earlier than usual so I can pick it up between 6:00 - 6:30). Then it is 'hammer down' to Anderson IN. Should be an easy 430 mile drive since it is all Interstate after my first 25 miles.

I should arrive at Ray's early to mid afternoon, have a soda, ;) unload tools, tables, chairs and set up lathe. Have another soda:) Maybe eat a burger and have another soda. ;)

All the soda will be necessary since the Arkies will be showing up and I need all the fortification I can get.:p
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Dr. Zack Jennings
04-10-2003, 6:39 PM
New Shop Dog
As some of you may know I have been wanting a dog. In my adult life (I'm 56) I have had one dog, Booger, who was run over on the highway by my house. I am building a courtyard for the new dog but it's incomplete.
My dental assistant found 3 stray Beagle looking pups on Wednesday. I'm getting one of them Saturday night. My handyman, Bobby, and I will be getting ready for the dog on Saturday: Moving a portable pen in place, getting a dog house etc. Bobby has a Kennel operation raising Cocker Spaniels so he will give the pup and check up and help me get all the right stuff.

We need to move a dog pen from accross town.
Clean up some wood piles around the place.
Make more parts for my second storage locker.
Tear off a shed roof at my neighbor's place for materials. (Small Job)
Lay out a fence for the Walled Courtyard.

As usual, I have probably planned more than we can get done in a day. Will post dog photos on Monday.

Jim Young
04-10-2003, 8:30 PM
Goin to Ray's. Gotta get the truck loaded tomorrow with all the goodies so I can get out of here early Saturday morning.

jack duren
04-10-2003, 10:39 PM
puttin brakes all the around the pickup. figure a few hours for that and then finish up some poly spraying on last weeks goodies.

ordered my door hinges this morning. guess they arent i stock and are special order. so cant mount my doors on the rec bar this weekend. if im lucky i might get to start the counter tops....jack

Bud Duffy
04-10-2003, 11:30 PM
I will be at the mother in laws finishing up the linolium we ripped up yesterday and building two base cabinets and installing them and building a open face wall cabinet to get the microwave off the counter then replace the old screw in bulb lights with nice new 4 bulb flourecents so she can see what she is burning , err i mean cookingafter all this fun i get to replace all the counter tops. then its on to the bathroom.

Jason Roehl
04-10-2003, 11:33 PM


Mark Kauder
04-11-2003, 8:56 AM
10 minutes, and I am on my way to Ray"s.


Malcolm Timbers
04-11-2003, 6:56 PM
Just got back from the Mid-Atlantic woodworking show. Mostly industrial stuff. Met some WoodCentral folks and learned a lot of things. Rain today, supposed to clear up tomorrow.

Saturday, I got my table frame fixture set up and I expect to start putting some table frames together. I make one-of-a-kind, mass-produced antique tables in my shop. And if that is an oximoron, so am I! :D

John Miliunas
04-11-2003, 8:27 PM
Have to take Number 1 daughter into town for ACT's, then proceed a bit further on to work. Play a little "catch up" at the shop, pick up daughter, drop her off at friend's then get on with the "honey do" list when I get home. Might try to squeeze a little shop time in on Sunday. Have a great weekend, everyone! :cool:

Ken Wright
04-12-2003, 6:23 AM
and Taxes..... One of the few times I've been so late getting this done but LOML's illness and surgery put me into the "no concentration" stage that I fall into occasionally .....

Wish you folks fun at Ray's .... would like to have been there.