View Full Version : Ripping solid oak with a skil saw, whaich blade?

Jay Jeffery
12-13-2010, 1:16 PM
I got talked into making some Christmas presents for my nieces and nephew, but I am currently apartment dwelling without my workshop. My plan is to make some Chinese Checkers boards out of a 1" thick oak board. The store calls it sold wood, but it is really several oak pieces glued together over about 1/8" of what I'd call veneer (would something that thick really qualify as veneer?). It's just over 1" thick.

The trouble is that I need to rip the rounded edge off of the board so I can put a decorative edge on with my router. My table saw is over 200 miles away in Houston, so I am stuck using my worm drive skil saw on my patio. The blades I have are:

18 tooth DeWalt framing blade
24 tooth B&D blade (used quite a bit, but still cuts 2X4's fine)
60 tooth Oldham finishing blade
Plywood blade

Any advice as to which blade I should use? I don't have access to a joiner, planer, hand plane or anything besides a ROS and a block of pine to use with sand paper.

It's bad enough I'll be drilling all the golf tee holes without my drill press, but sanding a poorly ripped edge will just be too much.

Edit: Sorry about the misspelled title.