View Full Version : Auction finds

George Sanders
12-13-2010, 8:39 AM
I went to an auction yesterday in central Indiana near the Illinois line. Windy and snowing and very cold. I thought that might work to my advantage. It did and it didn't. A lot of other diehards like myself were there. I spent under thirty dollars for some good almost full length chisels. One is a Stanley Defiance 5/8 1221, And 2 unknown corner chisels. 1" and a 3/4". 2 pretty pitted gouges, one a Buck Bros. A Stanley spofford brace that had a spoke pointer in it.( It has an adjustable depth stop.) An 8" L.&I.J.White spokeshave, a nice 20" bow saw along with a bevel that has a silver inlay on it. There was also a razor sharpener. The only thing that I can't figure out is the thing at the top of the photo of the brace. It has a mortise through it with a thumbscrew. On the bottom there is a small rabbet with copper attached with tiny screws.
Non woodworking tools: ratcheting pipe threader with extra teeth. I left the horse belly band on the hayrack.

Andrew Gibson
12-13-2010, 10:39 AM
Looks like a great day except for the weather.

Love the spofford brace. I still have to find a nice spofford in the wild. I have to say I might be getting addictied to braces. That being said I only have 4.

As for the thing you don't know, neighter do I :)

Jim Koepke
12-13-2010, 11:36 AM
Nice haul, any maker's mark on the bevel gauge? It looks like it could be shop made.

Only idea on the unknown tool is some kind of clamping device.


George Sanders
12-13-2010, 12:16 PM
The Spofford has pewter rings on it. Kind of a high end touch back in the day. The bevel also has a ruler along the side so I think it was factory made. I too, think that one thing is some kind of clamp. I am really happy about getting the corner chisel. Last fall I offered $15 for a 3/4 at a flea market and was declined. I got a whole flat of chisels with 2 corner chisels for $12.50. Ten for the saw and 5 bucks for the brace and everything else. There were also 2 hatchets I didn't photograph. This should satisfy my add..er hobby for a while.

Jim gormley
12-13-2010, 5:01 PM
I wonder if the unidentified tool is a head piece to an adjustable T square?

Alfred Kraemer
12-13-2010, 10:37 PM
I have a Spofford brace like that - maybe the sweep is smaller. That's the only brace I ever use: it is accurate, easy to sight down the tool for aim, and the bits always seem to line up just right. Just a simple, well-designed and well-made tool.
Regarding the mystery tool: it looks like a scraper. I think there is a blade inserted/clamped inside the wooden bocy(?)


Joshua Clark
12-13-2010, 11:03 PM
The mystery tool sounds like it could be the head to a panel gauge. The stem would be held in place by the thumbscrew. The plated rabbet rides the edge of the work.


Dan Andrews
12-14-2010, 6:07 PM
Great capture George! I watch ebay a lot and that spofford brace is worth at least $25. The chisels are another high cost item on ebay. You got a steal.

George Sanders
12-15-2010, 9:57 AM
Full length chisels in usable shape are a premium item. I cleaned the saw enough to read the name "Richardson" embossed on the wood.

Josh, I think you are right about the mystery tool. I have downloaded several old tool catalogs and have found other tools that I have listed in them. The large spoke pointer goes for a lot on the "bay" and prices are almost as high as the online dealers.

George Sanders
12-20-2010, 9:32 AM
I did quite a bit of reading and searching on the web concerning the tools I picked up. The mystery tool is indeed a panel gauge, though I still haven't discovered the manufacturer. The bevel is by Nelson&Hubbard Middletown Ct. 1850 to 1855, They became Nelson&Co. in 1855. Found one in better shape that sold for $125. :eek: Anybody got a c-note? :rolleyes: