View Full Version : Second try at a form with pedestal

John Spitters
12-12-2010, 12:31 AM
Again this is Maple with the pedestal and finial colored with a permanent marker.
Measures 8.5"h x 2.75"w, Finial at thinnest is .046"
I've applied the first coat of W.O.P.
It's not yet glued together, and since I am not totally satisfied with the pedestal I think that I will make a replacement.


Gary Max
12-12-2010, 12:41 AM
Personally------I would go ahead and glue it up. Heck you can always change the next one.

Ron Stadler
12-12-2010, 1:25 AM
Well I have to agree with Gary, I think it is beautiful.

David Reed
12-12-2010, 1:46 AM
I really like what you have done here with the pedestal and finial. They complement the form and one another quite nicely. I think the flare on the pedestal could be a tiny bit narrower at the bottom of the long taper for my eye, but they look very nice as they are.

John Keeton
12-12-2010, 7:04 AM
John, you are really doing some very nice work, here!! The pics are deceiving as to the size of the form, and that is a good thing!

IF, and I do say if, you decide to make changes here, I would offer the following thoughts on the pedestal. You have done a much better job of replicating the elements of the pedestal and finial in this one, but the finial has a rather straight taper, and the pedestal is a bit concave. The base on the finial flares nicely into the embellishment area beneath the spire, but on the pedestal, the flare rather dies out before it gets to the embellishments. And, it might look a little more balanced if the thinnest portion of the pedestal were at the 2/3 point from the bottom. And, IMO, there should be only one point where it is thinnest - tapering to that point from both ends.

Overall, however, this is a very pleasing form, and I really like the design elements you have used. Very nice work!

Dennis Ford
12-12-2010, 8:57 AM
It is a very nice piece, definitely a "keeper". I think that you should leave it as is. If you are not satisfied, give it away (or sell it) after you are satisfied with its replacement.

Paul Douglass
12-12-2010, 10:32 AM
Very beautiful piece as is. One I'd certainly be proud to even become close to replicating. I read Mr. Keaton's comments and understood all of them except the last part. "there should be only one point where it is thinnest - tapering to that point from both ends." Could you or some one please explain that to me a little further. Thanks.

Curt Fuller
12-12-2010, 10:44 AM
Now that's a unique design in both the finial a pedestal. I like it!

Mark Hubl
12-12-2010, 10:58 AM
Very nice John. I think you have a nicely balanced piece here. I like your clean contemporary design on the finial and pedestal. I agree with JK's comments here. I would like to see a bit more of a curve on the finial. On the pedestal I think the design would look better flipped. The design element at the bottom is a bit thin, but if flipped it would more closely match the top and add some symmetry around the ball. I think you are really on track though, your proportions are good, refinement will come for sure.

charlie knighton
12-12-2010, 11:01 AM
very nnice

gary Zimmel
12-12-2010, 11:18 AM
Nice work on this one John.

David DeCristoforo
12-12-2010, 11:25 AM
Really like it! Love the form of the body. The only change I would make is a bit more curve in the finial to come a bit closer to the profile of the pedestal stem.

Richard Madden
12-12-2010, 12:11 PM
Glue er up!!

Michael Short
12-12-2010, 2:55 PM
Ditto on the glue up !!

John Spitters
12-12-2010, 3:16 PM
John, you are really doing some very nice work, here!! The pics are deceiving as to the size of the form, and that is a good thing!

IF, and I do say if, you decide to make changes here, I would offer the following thoughts on the pedestal. You have done a much better job of replicating the elements of the pedestal and finial in this one, but the finial has a rather straight taper, and the pedestal is a bit concave. The base on the finial flares nicely into the embellishment area beneath the spire, but on the pedestal, the flare rather dies out before it gets to the embellishments. And, it might look a little more balanced if the thinnest portion of the pedestal were at the 2/3 point from the bottom. And, IMO, there should be only one point where it is thinnest - tapering to that point from both ends.

Overall, however, this is a very pleasing form, and I really like the design elements you have used. Very nice work!

Thanks all for the comments and critiques,
As said I'm not totally satisfied with the pedestal, I think that where I went wrong is that again the pedestal has a curve to the profile while the finial does not, and actually I think that the pedestal should mimic the finial rather than the other way around.
Also the base / foot of the pedestal is slightly too small, should have made it a bit bigger. Then the element just above the foot is stretched out a bit too much, I should have made it more compact as I did with the finial.


Steve Schlumpf
12-12-2010, 4:47 PM
John - this is nice work! Reminds me of one of my favorites that I turned - a long time ago! http://www.sawmillcreek.org/album.php?albumid=8&attachmentid=169834

I like the pedestal as is and if I were to change anything, I would return the finial to mimic the curve of the pedestal. I do believe that is the same thing David D suggested - so there are at least 2 of us that think the finial should have a curve to it.

No matter.... It is very nice work! Looking forward to seeing where this takes you!

Baxter Smith
12-12-2010, 5:00 PM
Very sleek looking JOhn! Other than matching the curve of the finial to the pedestal a litlle bit more, (and that is hardly noticeable) it looks good as is!

Bernie Weishapl
12-12-2010, 6:07 PM
I agree with Gary. I would glue it up as it is a beauty as is and if you want to change anything give it a go on the next one. Well done.

Jim Burr
12-12-2010, 7:39 PM
Glue it...wouldn't change a thing