View Full Version : Landgon Acme Mitre Box Part Needed

Randy Briggs
12-10-2010, 4:57 PM
I am restoring a Landgon and am missing the "kingbolt" - the bolt the is the fulcrum upon which the carriage rotates on. Anybody have a junker/parts that I could get my hands on? Thx in advance.

Bill Houghton
12-10-2010, 6:27 PM
What's distinctive about it compared to a garden variety bolt? If it's shouldered (larger diameter below the head necking down to the threaded portion), you can find some shouldered bolts in any good hardware store, and lots more choices at places like McMaster-Carr.

Some dimensions, if you can figure them out, would help, in case no one has a broken box from which to salvage the king bolt.

Randy Briggs
12-11-2010, 12:00 AM
It does have a pretty unique almost cone like taper that's like a built in spacer/washer before the threads start. Ill take a pic from one I have in a more complete order (larger saw model)

george wilson
12-12-2010, 10:34 AM
Where are you located? I could turn out a bolt for you,but I would have to have the miter box here to get the taper right. Is there a duplicate bolt on the box you could send me?

Tony Zaffuto
12-12-2010, 12:05 PM
Thought I might have one laying around but I an't find it. I got the skeleton remaining of a Langdon, but without the saw carrier. I got the skeleton of a Goodel-Pratt box, but the bolt is a screw that enters from on top instead of the bottom like the other Langdons I have. You may have to have it custom made, as George suggested, or find the identical model Langdon to pirate a part from. If I have more time later today, I take another look-see for the bolt and also compare some of the different Langdons I have to see if there is similarity in the bolt, between different models.