View Full Version : LLC Tool Rest support

Philip Duffy
12-10-2010, 6:42 AM
Last week my SS tool rest from LLC Tool seperated at the top bar. I sent a quick email to the company asking how to best repair the attachment of the round bar to the base unit. An immediate response told me that the company was sending me a new rest, made by a new process. It arrived a few days later and is even More Awsome than the original!! -- -that is above and beyond for service to the customer and I thank them heartedly. Just think companies like LLC Tools should be acknowledged as the best there is in a great country. American made, American smiles all around! Philip:D

Alan Trout
12-10-2010, 8:59 AM

Are you referring to Robust? And if so you are correct they are a great company.


Bernie Weishapl
12-10-2010, 10:34 AM
That is good to hear when companies back there equipment.

Philip Duffy
12-10-2010, 1:40 PM
Alan, I know of Robust and LLC is NOT THEM.

Philip Duffy
12-10-2010, 3:56 PM
Eating crow is never easy but swallowed quickly, it passes. I mis-stated the name of the Advanced Lathe Tools, LLC when I posted my initial praise for the company that sent a replacement tool rest. To top it off, I accused Alan of a mistake when there was only one -- -mine. I apologise to all, offended or not. The Company of Advanced Lathe Tools , LLC deserves better than my shoddy posting. I hope the company will suffer no consequences as they were absolutely great in the response to my inquiry. Philip

George Clark
12-10-2010, 3:57 PM
LLC usually is a suffix that follows a company's name and is an abbreviation for Limited Liability Company. A google search for LLC tools and LLC lathe tools did not reveal a company by that name. Could you provide a bit more information about the company you reference?

Obviously, you answered while I was typing. This company does not have a web site that I could find. Could you post some photos of your tool rest?

Alan Trout
12-10-2010, 8:21 PM
I appreciate your apology. I was just truly confused which occurs a lot. :D Acronyms are my nemesis.

It is does sound like a great outfit.


Joe Meirhaeghe
12-10-2010, 8:21 PM
I'm glad you've posted. Not many here have ever seen or heard of the Advanced Lathe Tools. They do not advertise or even have a web site at this time. I own several myself.
They mainly sell from word of mouth recommendations including Bonnie Cline & other turners. I am personal friends with the owners of Advanced lathe tools. They hand make all their tool rest & are of high quality & should there be a problem they will stand behind it.
They also make a really nice boring bar set-up. They are also in the process of making Steady Rest too.
They were making these long before Robust started making them.
It's my opinion that they are more heavily made & more solid than the Robust rests too.
Eating crow is never easy but swallowed quickly, it passes. I mis-stated the name of the Advanced Lathe Tools, LLC when I posted my initial praise for the company that sent a replacement tool rest. To top it off, I accused Alan of a mistake when there was only one -- -mine. I apologise to all, offended or not. The Company of Advanced Lathe Tools , LLC deserves better than my shoddy posting. I hope the company will suffer no consequences as they were absolutely great in the response to my inquiry. Philip

Gary Max
12-10-2010, 8:36 PM
Not many here have ever seen or heard of the Advanced Lathe Tools.

Ok------I am going to ask----How do you find out what they sell ?????

Joe Meirhaeghe
12-10-2010, 8:46 PM
Not many here have ever seen or heard of the Advanced Lathe Tools.

Ok------I am going to ask----How do you find out what they sell ?????

Gary you can contact one of the owners by email. Here is Steve's email address.
Shoot him a email & he'll get back to you. You can either ask him to give you a call telling him when it's a good time to call you & what you might be intrested in or you can ask him for his ph #.
I know he doesn't mind me giving out his email but I'm not comfortable giving out his ph#.

Brent English
12-12-2010, 12:11 PM
Just some extra info here from Brent at Robust Tools. Steve Sinner and his business partner Jerry Sergeant have indeed been making toolrests with a hardened rod longer than Robust Tools. In fact, it was with Steve’s encouragement that we decided to offer our version to the market. Like Joe, I call Steve a friend. We’ve both been to each other.'s homes numerous times and Steve continues to be a great source of input for the design of all of our tools. Steve turns on a Robust lathe, and he is pictured on our website with the one we made for him. He has also been a featured booth demonstrator for us numerous times at the AAW symposium, and in exchange, he has displayed and sold his toolrests from our space, just a short distance from ours. The good service Phil noted from Advanced Lathe Tools LLC will come as no surprise to those that know Steve and Jerry.

Steven DeMars
12-13-2010, 12:22 PM
Contacted the good folks @ A.L.T.,LLC . . . ordered a 3" rest for my ONEWAY 1224 . . .

I e-mailed them . . . they do not have a website @ this time . . .
