View Full Version : Doorbell.... New Delta Lathe is here

Jon Prouty
12-09-2010, 6:11 PM
It arrived... finally. Ordered from Amazon on Cyber Monday and got my lathe (Delta 46-460) today. Been watching the tracking info forever. Beautiful lathe - got her unpackaged and she purrs like a kitten.

The 10" toolrest post is oversized by about 0.020" and won't go into the banjo.... anyone else have this problem? I will contact Delta tomorrow about a replacement as they are already closed today. I could grind it to fit but I shoudn't have to. The shorter rest fits great.

Still have to build a bench and get turning... hopefully this weekend I will have some time.

I think I am in love with my new lathe...


John Keeton
12-09-2010, 6:37 PM
Jon, you understand that without pics, this is technically a fantasy thread!!;):D

Congrats! And, rather than bother with the rest (a couple minutes with a mill bastard file drawfiling the post will fix it) do yourself a favor and either see if you can get Jeff Nicol to make you a couple of rests, or get a couple of Robust rests, or some other acceptable rest.

The Delta rest is the only part of the Delta with which I was not satisfied. Much too soft, and difficult to stay put. The post was too soft, as well, and marked up badly.

Peter Lamb
12-09-2010, 6:37 PM
I have had a wonderful affair with mine for a year! More to come. I wish the same for you.
I had no problem with tool rest not fitting. Call Delta and I'm sure they will ship you a replacement.

Bernie Weishapl
12-09-2010, 6:43 PM
Congrats on the lathe. I had the same problem on my Jet. Took me about 10 minutes with a file to make it fit.

David E Keller
12-09-2010, 8:32 PM
A few minutes with a piece of fantasy sandpaper should make the fantasy post fit into your imaginary lathe.:D:D:D


Jon Prouty
12-09-2010, 8:53 PM
okay okay okay.... photo evidence. :D:D:D:D:D

She is sitting on a shelf for now until a proper stand gets built. I'm going to do a Keeton inspired design with the grinder off the headstock side.


Jon Prouty
12-09-2010, 8:59 PM
Jon, you understand that without pics, this is technically a fantasy thread!!;):D

Congrats! And, rather than bother with the rest (a couple minutes with a mill bastard file drawfiling the post will fix it) do yourself a favor and either see if you can get Jeff Nicol to make you a couple of rests, or get a couple of Robust rests, or some other acceptable rest.

The Delta rest is the only part of the Delta with which I was not satisfied. Much too soft, and difficult to stay put. The post was too soft, as well, and marked up badly.

Funny you should mention Jeff's rests... already have my quote for his steady and a couple new rests. I'm trying to talk myself into dropping the hammer on Jeff's items and Randy's mini-monster. vortex is spinning faster and faster.

I also need to figure out a way to add set screws to my Grizz chuck so I can use it in reverse. I am looking at that Nova G3 that is on sale at CSUSA.... but then maybe I should get the vacuum chuck at the same time. :(


Jack Mincey
12-09-2010, 9:07 PM
Great lathe. I would sand it by holding the rest in a vise and work a piece of 80 grit around the post. I have two of the lathes for my school shops and both rest post where tight and as John said it is the one part of the lathe that could stand to be improved on. The rest of the lathe is top notch and you should get many years of smiles from using it.

Steve Schlumpf
12-09-2010, 9:19 PM
Build a stand? Don't you have a kitchen table???

Congrats on your new lathe! Hope you get the tool rest figured out and get to turning soon!

David DeCristoforo
12-09-2010, 9:32 PM
"Build a stand? Don't you have a kitchen table???"


John Keeton
12-09-2010, 9:35 PM
Funny you should mention Jeff's rests... already have my quote for his steady and a couple new rests. I'm trying to talk myself into dropping the hammer on Jeff's items and Randy's mini-monster. vortex is spinning faster and faster.

I also need to figure out a way to add set screws to my Grizz chuck so I can use it in reverse. I am looking at that Nova G3 that is on sale at CSUSA.... but then maybe I should get the vacuum chuck at the same time. :(

JonJon, it is Christmas, you know!! Perfect time for a "gift to self!":D You can't go wrong with any of those items.

charlie knighton
12-09-2010, 9:37 PM
"Build a stand? Don't you have a kitchen table???"


naw, use the coffee table with some 4 x4 crisscrossed


congratulations, and enjoy

Michael James
12-09-2010, 9:52 PM

However, that dolly and background looks suspiciously like one of our local shops..... Im with John on this one!:cool:

John Keeton
12-09-2010, 9:58 PM
I'm going to do a Keeton inspired design with the grinder off the headstock side. Jon, keep in mind there is a fair amount of metal and grinder wheel dust from a grinding setup. When you dress the wheels, it can throw a pretty good covering of rock dust, etc. I know most guys like their sharpening station close by, but quite honestly, I don't want my grinder anywhere close to my lathe. May not be an issue, but I just don't like the idea of that stuff close to my belt, motor, and drive.

Jon Prouty
12-09-2010, 10:16 PM
Jon, keep in mind there is a fair amount of metal and grinder wheel dust from a grinding setup. When you dress the wheels, it can throw a pretty good covering of rock dust, etc. I know most guys like their sharpening station close by, but quite honestly, I don't want my grinder anywhere close to my lathe. May not be an issue, but I just don't like the idea of that stuff close to my belt, motor, and drive.

definitely food for thought.... right now I have it on a mobile base rig.


Leo Van Der Loo
12-10-2010, 1:40 AM
Jon, keep in mind there is a fair amount of metal and grinder wheel dust from a grinding setup. When you dress the wheels, it can throw a pretty good covering of rock dust, etc. I know most guys like their sharpening station close by, but quite honestly, I don't want my grinder anywhere close to my lathe. May not be an issue, but I just don't like the idea of that stuff close to my belt, motor, and drive.

I second this, grinderwheel grit and fine steel dust is something I don't like on any moving or rotating machine parts, bad combination IMO

Rob Cunningham
12-10-2010, 8:24 AM
Congratulations on the new lathe.
I would keep the grinder away from the lathe also.

Paul Douglass
12-10-2010, 9:50 AM
You well love the lathe, no doubt. I found an old small cabinet someone was discarding and mounted mine on it. Just re-enforced it a little and now I have a nice cabinet with drawers and shelves. It works great and the price was right.

Rick Markham
12-10-2010, 10:37 AM
Funny you should mention Jeff's rests... already have my quote for his steady and a couple new rests. I'm trying to talk myself into dropping the hammer on Jeff's items and Randy's mini-monster. vortex is spinning faster and faster.

I also need to figure out a way to add set screws to my Grizz chuck so I can use it in reverse. I am looking at that Nova G3 that is on sale at CSUSA.... but then maybe I should get the vacuum chuck at the same time. :(


Don't forget Doug Thompson's Lathe Tools :D! I feel your bank account's pain... really I do... It's totally worth it though;)

Rick Boyett
12-10-2010, 10:42 AM
Congrats on the lathe Jon.

Jon Prouty
12-10-2010, 12:27 PM
Thanks all. An update... I spoke to Delta customer service today and they are shipping out another 10" tool rest. We'll see if this one is sized right or if they have a bad lot. I am satisfied with the CS so far.


Jon Prouty
12-10-2010, 12:31 PM
Don't forget Doug Thompson's Lathe Tools :D! I feel your bank account's pain... really I do... It's totally worth it though;)

Hi Rick,

I saw your stash of Doug's tools and must admit I am envious... custom inscribed handles and all - very nice.

The bank account's pain will never be in the red again though... my new take on life is to only buy that which I have cash for. My wife and I each get an allowance each month for personal stuff and turning toys only come out of this account. I've sold so much stuff lately on CL that my account is in the black and I've vowed never to go negative again. With my new spending attitude, I'm more reluctant to pull the trigger on items.


David E Keller
12-10-2010, 1:29 PM
Congrats on the new arrival! Take your time, and buy what you really want. There will always be something on the want/need list, so there's no need to rush.

John Keeton
12-10-2010, 1:41 PM
The bank account's pain will never be in the red again though... my new take on life is to only buy that which I have cash for.... With my new spending attitude, I'm more reluctant to pull the trigger on items.

JonJon, this is a substantial move toward financial security!! I applaud you!

For nearly my entire career, I have been self-employed with a very erratic cash flow. Never knew if I was going to have a steady flow of income, so unless it was for a real estate investment that produced a positive flow, I rarely borrowed money and NEVER ran a credit card balance. So much easier to sleep at night!:)

Rick Markham
12-10-2010, 2:23 PM
Jon, that's a good policy and one that I live by as well! If I can't pay for it immediately I don't need it right away! I've spent quite a long time saving my expendable income to get all this associated "fun" I agree it's hard to drop a substantial amount of money on certain things, I generally have to weigh the fact if it is a long term purchase or something to "just get me by". At this point in my woodworking hobby, I will only hand over money if I know it's quality. I think I have just enough for a hollowing system left... Now I just have to manage to part with the money... hasn't happened quite yet :D

Jon Prouty
12-10-2010, 2:34 PM
Funny how I went from "I want it now" to "I want it but I think I can wait a bit longer". I have a dream list of items that I want to purchase but I keep finding myself thinking that I can get by for now.

I have a few turning things on my Christmas list that I am looking forward to getting (thanks to my family)... a new roughing gouge, pin jaws foy my chuck and a Sorby hollower multi-tip thing.

This new Delta lathe is beautiful... "almost" hate to get it dirty. :rolleyes:


Michael James
12-10-2010, 7:10 PM
This new Delta lathe is beautiful... "almost" hate to get it dirty. :rolleyes:


Jon, it's true beauty is how it will perform for you - chuck up some wood and have a go at it!:cool: