View Full Version : A matter of time

alex grams
12-09-2010, 9:27 AM
I knew I would eventually cut myself one day, though I was fortunate that when I got caught by the bandsaw last night that it just took a huge chunk of skin off at a shallower angle and didn't tear muscle or hit bone, though any deeper and it would have, and it bled a lot worse than I expected, but no real damage. I had my left hand slip and my left index finger go into the blade. It tore a lot off and looks nasty, but recoverable with no doctor bills. The irony is the piece before I had just caught myself working at a bad angle pushing in a way which a slip would get me in trouble quick, so I adjusted to a safer working arrangement. Not sure why I went back on the next piece, but now I know better.

I was cutting down some green Osage Orange for stickering up (On my yearly hunting trip to my uncles there was some land being cleared that he had permission to collect firewood from and there was a pretty solid bois D'arc on it with a nice straight trunk 12" diameter about 10' long. I got that in some 4' sections and some smaller 6-8" pieces which were straight. Will let it all dry for a year or so then glue it up and find a lathe to make me some mallets from, but I digress).

I was working after my wife went to bed, and I typically don't use heavier tools at that time, but I wanted to get this stuff cut up and stacked. I bled a lot, but it could have been a LOT worse. Kind of gives a reality check when I was laying in bed and thinking how lucky I was that it wasn't worse.

So moral of the story, be safe and enjoy the holidays!

Andrew Schlosser
12-09-2010, 10:06 PM
thanks for the reminder that accidents happen, even when we're careful. I have to constantly remind myself that my right thumb should not be a push block.

C Scott McDonald
12-09-2010, 10:14 PM
Hope you have a speedy recovery!

Aaron Berk
12-09-2010, 10:14 PM
I have a natural "Superman Syndrome" and I often think I'm above harm. Knowing this is my weakness has allowed me to become hyper sensitive to safety issues and work practices.

I've only worked wood for about 9yrs and thankfully (Thanking God) I have yet to be bitten by my tools.

I thoroughly take head to stories like this and can appreciate the severity an accident of this nature brings a person.

Rest well and be safe, thank you for posting Alex

Van Huskey
12-09-2010, 10:27 PM
Hope you heal well and soon!

Dave MacArthur
12-10-2010, 12:52 AM
glad you're ok, a good safety reminder for all! Thanks for posting this.

Kevin W Johnson
12-10-2010, 1:18 AM
That sounds much worse than the 2-1/2" finish nail from the air-nailer that deflected off the bathroom cabinet i was working on, and went 2" deep in my left hand. When i pulled that sucker out, i thought i'd never reach the end of it.

Weird thing is, it really didn't hurt, bled very little, and i kept it covered with anti-biotic creme, and it never got infected. The first day afterward i could feel a little discomfort if i gripped something to hard, but that was it. Luckily i missed all the bones, nerves, and tendons...

Jeremy Brant
12-10-2010, 10:40 AM
Thanks to posts like this, I managed to avoid getting stuck last night with my pin nailer. Reading the various warnings people have given about getting stuck with pins/brads when the nails follow grain, I kept my grip a little further from the area being nailed. Sure enough, 1 out of 8 of the pins took a 90° turn and came out the back of the oak frame I was pinning. Had my hand been where it normally would have been, that pin would have been about 1/4" into a finger.

Roger Bullock
12-10-2010, 11:12 AM
It's kind of funny how we think of the right (safe) way after we have done it the wrong way. thanks for the reminder.

Mike Cruz
12-10-2010, 12:46 PM
Alex, you could sleep?! My adrenaline would have kept me up all night. Not to mention, the ever important decision...do you wake up the wife and tell her (and face twenty question...all stemming from concern...and keep HER up all night from worry) or do you wait til the morning to tell her and get an earful about not telling her last night! I don't envy you... Get better. Get back out there when you can.