View Full Version : woodfiller

Bo McCorkle
12-08-2010, 11:55 PM
i made a boo boo on a joint and have a gap showing from oversanding a piece. (playing with the boy while running the sander) anyways the project is a red cedar chest and I was just planning on lacquering it clear when i was finished so i dont think the standard filler will quite take care of it. I stopped by the borg and they had every color match of filler except of course natural cedar. Any ideas guys????? I was thinking of just mixing some of my sanding dust with epoxy or white glue??? maybe someone has a better idea???

david brum
12-09-2010, 12:34 AM
You don't specify what type of joint you're working on, but if it is possible to glue a sliver of wood into the gap, it will be nearly invisible. You can mix fine dust with epoxy or some of your finish, but the results are hard to predict. White glue will look grey for sure. It's always a good idea to try some practice patches on scrap, including the finish coat so you'll know what it's going to look like.

Paul Murphy
12-09-2010, 12:14 PM
What David said, and one other tip:
Liquid hide glue mixed with your sanding dust can work well. The hide glue accepts stain, and that can sometimes help.

Jeff Monson
12-09-2010, 12:24 PM
Sawdust and glue works great, thats my go to wood filler!