View Full Version : More On My Video...

Wally Dickerman
12-07-2010, 8:53 PM
The lady came again yesterday with a lot of camera equipment. She set up a tent and took stills of a lot of my work that I have on hand. Spent a lot of time with it. Took umteen shots of each piece. Then we headed for the shop. She took video shots of me rough turning a plain 7 inch bowl of dry wood. I had the chips flying pretty good so I'm anxious to see shots of that. She's going to send me copies of the stills of my work. Should be interesting to see how pics by a pro come out.

I don't know where they're going with this video. It's the first of several that they plan to do on local artists in the Tucson area. Artist...the term is theirs but what the heck, I'll accept it.

I hope that I can get involved with the editing process.

Do I feel like a movie star?...well, not yet.


Josh Bowman
12-07-2010, 9:05 PM
That had to be exciting. I look forward to seeing some of the stills and maybe a clip of the video.

Curt Fuller
12-07-2010, 9:09 PM
I have to say that a video on your lifetime of turning wood, along with examples of your work, would be fascinating. I'm looking forward to seeing it.

And I think the word "artist" fits you like a glove!

John Keeton
12-07-2010, 9:20 PM
Do I feel like a movie star?...well, not yet.

WallyWally, apparently that feeling arrives with the first paparazzi!!

This is getting exciting for me! All I know of you is from AAW, WOW, and here - along with a smattering of bits and pieces. Would love to see the whole story with some video. Neat stuff, Wally...neat stuff!!

steven carter
12-08-2010, 7:50 AM
Artist...the term is theirs but what the heck, I'll accept it.

If you aren't an artist, then I don't know who is! I have really appreciated the opportunity to see your work and learn more about your journey of turning through the years.


Scott Hackler
12-08-2010, 10:38 AM
Very neat Wally. Well deserved attension to your work.

Steve Schlumpf
12-08-2010, 11:10 AM
Sounds like you are having fun with this - which the most important aspect as far as I am concerned! I hope you get to assist with the editing because chances are no one else on the film team will know anything about turning!

As far as you being an artist - they're just finding out what the rest of us have known for years! I hope the video portion of the process is even more fun for you!

Looking forward to seeing the press releases and video!