View Full Version : Sears bandsaw homemade riser block?

Joe Suelter
04-09-2003, 11:11 PM
I read sometime ago on the Pond that somebody made their own riser block for a bandsaw out of a chunk of hardwood. I purchased a Craftsman 12" bandsaw last year (wish I hadn't), and it has a very limited cutting capacity. I have been "pondering" making a riser block out of a cast piece of aluminum or steel to get the cutting height a little greater. I don't know that this is possible, or safe? I know that I will have to get some new blades, the folks at Suffolk are GREAT! My question is can this be accomplished? Am I just wishfull thinking? I wish now that I had waited a little while and pocketed a few more dollars and got a Jet or Delta with a riser avaliable. Thanks a lot for any input you can provide.

Lee Schierer
04-10-2003, 11:26 AM
There is a split ing the casting between the upper half and lower half just like Delta and others. I see no reason why you can't increase the height capacity on your Sears saw if you make a block. You will want to go the same height as the "standard Delta" block so you can stay with a standard size blade and not need special blades made up. I would recommend steel for added stiffness over the aluminum or wood options.

You will also need a longer blade guard and height adjustment bar for the blade guide rollers.

You should be able to order these from sears through their parts department.

Marty Phee
04-10-2003, 12:03 PM
You should try the company who actually made the saw for Sears. I believe the company name is Rexnor or something like that. I got the name from someone on the rec. That's how I got my riser for my 14". Also try Sears parts. They may have it or the info for the mfg.

One more thing. If jet has a 12" their riser will probably work. My 14" was eactly like the Jet 14 except the jet was made better.

Joe Suelter
04-11-2003, 8:32 PM
Thanks Lee & Marty...great advice. I'll drop by a store here that sells the Jet riser kits and see if it is close to what I need, if not, I have a friend with a machine shop that owes me a favor!:p Looks like I have a new weekend project...I'll order some new blades from Suffolk...those people are great!!! Thanks again for your ideas! Joe