View Full Version : Introduction and shop

Dave Pugh
12-06-2010, 6:12 PM
A year ago I bought a house that had a 9'x15' building along with an 8'x8' shed. I took the 9'x15' building and started using it as shop. The previous owners were not really using the building, and the outlets were powered by having the wire tied into an extension cord that was plugged into an outside socket.:eek: Seriously doubt that is up to code. The home inspector and I did not catch that until we actually moved in and I saw an extension cord coming out of the ground and plugged into the outside socket. Didn't put two and two together until I pulled the plug and the light in the shop went out. Oh, and one of the two socket boxes was powered by having the electrical wire tied into a small power cord and plugged into the main socket. Needless to say I never plugged that socket in.

Here are some pictures taken of the shop last year as I started moving my things in. The pictures are taken as if you walk into the door and look to your right and then turn your head to the left.

In the right corner is my telescope and accessories. I don't really have any place else to store them, and definitely do not want to get rid of them as I still use it.

The cabinets probably came from the kitchen, as the kitchen has fairly new cabinets. The cabinets have my gun cleaning stuff, some camping stuff, several cans of Minwax, and antler and horns that I do work with. Most of the shop was already insulated, I just have never finished the job. Yup, that is a deer hide in the corner.

Far left corner. Not sure what the previous owner had planned by cutting the hole. I am guessing maybe a window as there are no windows in the shop.

Here is the work bench. It is on the left as you walk into the door. The cabinets underneath the bench contain most of my tools.

Dave Pugh
12-06-2010, 6:30 PM
Now, a year later, I had the electrical work redone. The shop is now wired correctly into the house breaker box on its own 15amp circuit. Right now one 15amp circuit is powering the whole shop, and all I am really running right now is just lights and a miter saw. I am going to have another circuit installed for the power tools to run off of, and keep the lights on the current 15amp circuit.

New pictures, again taken as if you walk in from the right turning left.
This is the outside. Come this spring I will replace the outside boards. Inside structure is still good.

Telescope and stuff is still in the right corner along with a cooler and a fan, plus some Home Depot buckets. The gray case is my Ryobi hand planer, just hadn't put it up yet. When I get a little more money, I am going to put the telescope and accessories in a shed of its very own.

I moved one of the cabinets that was up underneath the work bench to underneath a wall cabinet. The floor cabinet has house paint and such in it. I also moved the white cabinet down to the middle of the wall, and also gave it a paint job.

You can see where the white cabinet is now. Once I build my new work bench, this cabinet is probably going to go. The L-shaped piece is the old work bench top.

From the original pictures, you can see I moved the work bench around. Also my miter saw is now on the cabinet I built for it.

I put in some peg board on the walls to hang tools.

Along with some plywood to hang heavier things. I made the clamp holders.

Here you can see where I am going to build my work bench and how it will be laid out. The counter top laying down on the floor will become the work bench top.

You can see how it fits in relation to the bench that is already there and will probably stay. These work benches will be to your immediate left as you walk into the door.

And a final picture just showing how the roof is put together.

My plans are to add in a table saw and a drill press, though I may have to rethink the lay out.

Mike Langford
12-06-2010, 7:20 PM
Great lookin' shop Dave!

Are you planning to put in a window or two?

Dave Pugh
12-07-2010, 10:03 AM
Great lookin' shop Dave!

Are you planning to put in a window or two?

Not sure. I get plenty of light with the overhead lights I have, and would not really get much natural sunlight because the shop is in the shade most of the day except early morning. I wouldn't get much ventilation either because the back side and right side of the shop has the neighbors' buildings on the other side. When I do any painting or sanding, I just open up the double doors and turn on the floor fan to blow dust and fumes out. I definitely need some kind of air conditioner for the summer time though.

Don Bullock
12-07-2010, 11:58 AM
Not sure. I get plenty of light with the overhead lights I have, and would not really get much natural sunlight because the shop is in the shade most of the day except early morning. I wouldn't get much ventilation either because the back side and right side of the shop has the neighbors' buildings on the other side. When I do any painting or sanding, I just open up the double doors and turn on the floor fan to blow dust and fumes out. I definitely need some kind of air conditioner for the summer time though.

Your shop is looking good.

Adding a skylight might be more helpful than a window considering the limited wall space.

Before adding AC you may want to finish the insulation including the ceiling.