View Full Version : Too hot weekend ...

Norm Zax
12-06-2010, 6:23 AM
This story has sad parts, some even sadder, depending on your point of view.
About a year ago I did two things in parallel – applied to the municipality for a permit to build a workshop AND did my own importing of a 2HP Jet lathe, through the wonderful help of Sean at ToolNut. Eventually, the lathe arrived but the plans got stuck and are not getting any closer. This makes me perhaps the only person you know with a brand new lathe, still in packing, for over a year! … but the story continues. Here in Israel two teenagers played with fire. Not treating the blaze seriously when it was small, and lacking proper means to deal with a fire storm, about 4 million trees burned since last Thursday, 15000 people were evacuated from a few small settlements in the vicinity and 42 were killed, most of whom were in a bus driving away from the fire and eventually getting stuck in a narrow road, too narrow to turn the bus around, and were suddenly engulfed with fire in all directions.
I live 4.5 miles from the edge of the fire but until yesterday saw nothing. Yesterday the air was heavy and acrid but today’s rain cleared most of the scent. How does this have anything to do with WT? Well, my lathe was safely stored in a friend’s workshop in the general area of the fire. Is it safe I asked myself and my wife promised we would get a new one, if needed. How absurd it would be to have it burned before even opening the box. The friend himself happened to be abroad for a few days ignoring my SMS to him, but returned this morning, as the fire was put out after a five days work, 450 firefighters and several airborne aircraft spilling tons of water (and chemicals) over the whole area. An hour ago he called me up to say that the fire stopped just 300 yards from the shed, which is filled with soot and debris, but quite intact. As firemen later confirmed that temperatures went up to 5000F, needless to say that most of his store of wood, much of which was green wood, is now probably bone dry. What a week. What a disaster.

John Keeton
12-06-2010, 6:58 AM
I had read about the bus being burned with the folks inside - horrible story! So sad, and you know how hopeless those folks felt. My best to them and to all involved in this situation.

You do not say, but were you able to determine if the heat got to your lathe? I would imagine if the packing did not burn, it is OK.

neil mackay
12-06-2010, 8:06 AM
I can imagine what you went through, bush fires play havoc with us every summer down under.

I have come home to find aerial water bombers at the bottom of my street and the wife sitting in the doorstep ready to move with all our paper etc packed.

My heartfelt condolences to all why have been effected in Israel and to you for what looks like the loss of your lathe.

Christopher K. Hartley
12-06-2010, 8:28 AM
Norm. I'm so glad to hear you, your family and friend, as well as the lathe, are safe. Must mean that someone wants you to turn at some point. You should record this story with pictures for future reference and the start to your history of woodturning. Here's hoping, with you, that your curlies start flying off that Jet soon.:)

Baxter Smith
12-06-2010, 8:42 AM
A sad story for sure. Glad both you and your friend are ok. Some things aren't replaceable.

Doug W Swanson
12-06-2010, 9:26 AM
I had heard about that forest fire on the new. What a horrible deal.

At least you and your friends are ok.....

David Reed
12-06-2010, 10:47 AM
Fires like this are devastating and horrible. Happy to hear or your safety. At the risk of exposing my rather limited knowledge of Israel, I was not aware of major forests in this arid country. And I thought I was pretty well informed.

Bernie Weishapl
12-06-2010, 11:01 AM
Norm I read about the fire and the bus. Sad situation for sure. Boy I can't imagine the feeling being trapped and our prayers go out to the families. Glad you and your family are ok. When my brother lived down there he said they had totes that all the family pictures, important papers, etc along with a tote of emergency supplies were always at the ready.

Scott Hackler
12-06-2010, 11:14 AM
Your story is a giant reminder of the luxury we are afforded here in the USA and a lot of the other countries of the world. Fire suppression has been something that we just take for granted. Heck, we dont even acknowlege fire hydrants when we look over the scenery.

Another benifit is the woodworking stores and the easse of which that we can purchase and have shipped anything we need/want.

I hope that is all of the fire you get over there and I hope you get your shop going soon.

David E Keller
12-06-2010, 12:40 PM
I'm glad to hear that you and yours have made it through the experience in one piece and unscathed. I hope the same is true for your lathe, and best wishes on an expedient approval of the shop.

Steve Schlumpf
12-06-2010, 12:47 PM
My heart goes out to all those affected by this horrendous fire. I am glad that you and your family are safe! Best of luck with getting your shop going real soon!

Ken Fitzgerald
12-06-2010, 1:19 PM
My sincere sympathy for those effected by this fire.

It's impossible to imagine how the loss of those lives will effect the lives of their family and friends.

The loss of property could have an economic effect on those families that will last for decades.

Here in the mountains and high elevation deserts of the US we experience these things annually. Luckily for us, for the most part, we have a very low population density but it still results in the loss of lives and property.

My sincere sympathy and condolences go to all involved.

Jeff Nicol
12-06-2010, 9:58 PM
Norm, I saw images of the fire and the bus on the news and it was unbelievable! We see the fires in the western US and they are huge, but for a small country like Israel the amount of forest damaged is incredible! I am glad that you survived the whole ordeal and that your friend and lathe made it through.

Fire is such a monster that can sometimes wreaks havoc with no remorse,

Good luck with everything,


Norm Zax
12-07-2010, 2:41 AM
Thanks all for your warm words.

Ken Hill
12-07-2010, 5:47 AM
That is just terrible news:( Glad youa re ok and I have sent prayers to those who have lost their lives and for those injured and forever scared by this fire.